Anyone know if it’s safe to take prescription sleeping tablets if you have PAF and ectopics etc
Sleeping tablets : Anyone know if it’s... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Sleeping tablets

I was told no by GP not even herbal. I’ve just read the book Why We Sleep which was brilliant! Also says not to use.
I agree with Pigleywigley about some herbal 'sleep remedies' to help you sleep. They can result in an irregular HB - it's unlikely but could happen.
However rest is very important to us afibbers. Zopiclone and Zolpidem are prescription tablets which may help. However they are not an 'every night fix' and can be habit forming.
I discussed Zolpidem with my cardio and he said it's fine. If I know I need my kip and have a high HR it does the trick.
Zolpidem kicks in quickly and soon sends you to the land of nod - however it has a short 'half life'. Zopiclone helps you stay asleep.
You need to discuss this with your doctor. For me though no heart problems with either.
I’ve been taking 30/500 cocodamol at night as pain after knee replacements. Very good fir sleep too!
I have never had prescription sleeping pills but I did buy melatonin in the States and in Spain. I very rarely use it but when I do it is very good at getting me off to sleep if my mind is racing or if I have jet lag (remember those days?!) I am not sure why it isn't available in the UK when far more dangerous drugs are available over the counter.
Thats a very good question.....the NHS likes to ban all sorts including b12 vials over the counter......why I really dont know as you cant over dose on b12!! Pop out to Germany or Greece and you can buy them at the local pharmacy without a script. Hey ho.....
You can get melatonin on prescription in the UK but I think only 2.5 mg. from memory.I've bought 3 mg slow release online from a British company and they were despatched from France. I'm now taking the lowest dose of 3 microns that I ordered on line from America
That is interesting; I bought 10mg in the USA, that was long before I read up on recommended doses! My husband is a big man and took one (once) and slept for 10 hours. The Spanish capsules are 1.8mg and I take two. In Spain they can be bought in supermarkets alongside indigestions tablets and the like and are very cheap. Conversely paracetamol is expensive and we always take supplies from the UK.
I too take zopiclone but not every night. Just once a week or so. Sometimes twice. I find it very helpful especially if I’ve had a few bad nights in a row.

Good Morning, if you are considering introducing new medications or supplements to your diet, it is advisable to consult with your GP or Pharmacist for suitability advice in advance. Kind regards, Tracy
I think that few doctors will prescribe sleeping tablets willingly, but I think most will offer them when all else has failed, at least for short term use.
The two tablets most likely to be prescribed are zolpidem and zopiclone, with a few doctors still willing to prescribe temazepam or diazepam. Nitrazepam has largely fallen out of favour owing to its long duration of action. In elderly people, sleeping tablets are even less likely to be given owing to carry-over drowsiness that can lead to accidents happening more frequently during the daytime.
I think all of these tablets can be taken if you also suffer arrhythmias, but your doctor must advise on this. If you need them, which should mean that you have really tried hard at all other options and are still really struggling with daytime tiredness, then I believe that they can, in certain people, be very helpful indeed.
You'll know this already, but it's worth adding. There are real and important risks for a percentage of people, maybe up to a third. These are rebound insomnia, daytime sedation, withdrawal anxiety and dependency. Zolpidem and zopiclone seem to be less prone to causing any daytime issues when taken in small doses and much less likely to cause dependency. The weakness of these two drugs is that they have a very short duration of action, which means that although they are effective at getting you off to sleep well, that sleep will only last for 3-4 hours. If you get off naturally but suffer with sleep duration problems, then this does mean that they can be taken in the night when you wake. Even 2.5mg zolpidem (half a tablet) seems effective at this.
I have Diazepam as part of my prescription; doctors and pharmacists agree it is safe and therapeutic. It has had no effect on my heart function and helps me achieve restful sleep.
I take Zopiclone 3 or 4 nights a week and have been doing since before I was diagnosed with AFib a couple of years ago. My GP only allows me 7 x 7.5mg tablets a month, due to their addictive nature. but I cut them in half and that gives me about 6hours sleep 3 or four nights a week. As well as cutting the tabs in half, which was suggested by another GP, I try to randomise the nights I take them as much as possible and don't take them two nights running if possible. I also take the occasional week off. So far, I've avoided addiction by this strategy and they still work for me. My cardiologist knows I take them along with bisoprolol and warfarin and hasn't commented on them, neither has the warfarin specialist nurses.
Hi, ive been really struggling with anxiety and not sleeping and my Gp had prescribed Sertraline. Ive done lots of research and spoken with my EP and he has said it's safe for me to take. Taken it for a week now and only side effect is tiredness which is the desired effect. They said will keep an eye on my ecgs. Very reluctant to take it but I think the lack of sleep and anxiety would cause more problems for me personally! Xxx
My experience of sleeping tablets is that they don't work. They certainly put you out, but when you wake up you feel worse than before you took them. It's not real sleep!
Hi thereI am prescribed a packet of 28 Zopiclone tablets about once every 8 -9 months.
Just knowing they are in the bedside cabinet helps when you get those awful nights when you just can’t sleep no matter what else you try.
No problems whatsoever.
Why would you risk prescription sleeping pills? They're addictive and there is literature out there that states the longer you use them ... the more likely to get dementia-type brain disease.
There are all kind of natural sleep inducing agents out there .... not to mention just tiring yourself out with work around the home or regular exercise. There are a plethora of teas and supplements that work very well for sleep.
In my opinion, doctor prescribed sleeping agents are the worst of the worst. Often times, they begin the descent into a life of misery.
Additionally, be very wary if a doctor offers opioids for simple dental pain or chronic back pain. It has often led to addiction and misery for many.