ways to stimulate the vagus nerve:
● Cold showers or immersion of the face in cold water - active exposure to the sensation of cold activates the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system, which relaxes the body and is mediated by the vagus nerve.
● The humming of songs, especially those that produce resonance in the rib cage, that "hummmm", but also the energetic ones, in which you use your deep voice.
● Strong gargle that contracts the muscles behind the neck and stimulates the digestive tract.
● Abdominal breathing, which stimulates the diaphragm muscles, slow breathing with prolonged exhalation.
● Frequent laughter.
● Light exercise.
● Intermittent fasting.
● Massage and acupressure.
● Eating in a relaxing state, in a pleasant and quiet company, without distractions or on the run.
The involvement of the vagus nerve in the healthy functioning of the body has begun to be increasingly highlighted in recent years through various medical research. In short, the most important discoveries about the vagus nerve:
Reduces and prevents inflammation by regulating the immune response.
Improves memory.
It helps us breathe.
It is responsible for regulating heart rate.
Initiates the relaxation response of the body, acting on the internal organs and modifying their functions to calm down and regenerate.
It is a transmitter of information between the digestive system (enteric nervous system) and the brain.
It determined the emergence of a new field of medicine, which deals with the approach of certain diseases (irritable bowel syndrome, epilepsy, recurrent depression) by electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve.
Of course, there is still much to research about this nerve essential for our health, but in the context I address here, focusing on the nervous system and its implications in our modern life, I want to emphasize again its main function: the to counteract the stress response and keep the body in a state of functional balance.
So take a deep breath. Hug a friend. Contemplate something that delights you. These are simple actions, but they bring a state of calm and comfort, which helps to strengthen your nervous system..