I was diagnosed with AFIB in 2016. I believe I may have had it much longer, but was diagnosed as panic attacks. I am a 59 yr old male. I was diagnosed the morning of a colonoscopy.
The day before the procedure while doing my prep to clear the stomach and intestines I started to get heart palpitations, I checked my BP and HR and they were going up and down, I was dizzy and had an ache in my neck. I believe the cleansing a clearing of my gut from all the good bacteria, minerals, and the dehydration sent me into AFIB.
So I need to find a better prep before my next colonoscopy.
A few years before this I fainted once at home and went to the ER. After much testing, my heart was determined to be fine, and the issue was my vagal nerve being stimulated, causing me to faint.
Makes sense, as I occasionally also get neck aches behind my skull, near where the nerve comes out of the skull. I usually get these aches before or during an AFIB episode.
I am now hearing more and more about the vagus nerve and its importance to overall health and the ties to the heart and the control of the hearts rate and rhythm.
It made me wonder why more AFIB prevention and care didn't involve talk of the vagus nerve instead of cardioversions, ablasions and other methods that don't always work or work temporarily.
I have found that exercises and massage to my neck can calm and bring my AFIB back to sinus rhythm. I've also used the cold water to the face, cold pack to my neck etc. that you sometimes read about.
I just believe that more of the problems from AFIB is due to the nerves that control the sinus node, than the actual heart itself. Now, this is only for people with a healthy heart. If AFIB started because of a heart valve issue or after surgery, that is a different issue.
it is frustrating that most Physicians focus so much on the heart, rather than what may actually be the source of the problem, the vagus nerve.
I did find this interesting video a while back that talks to this issue.