Thapsigargin: Thapsigargin is an... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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belindalore profile image
20 Replies

Thapsigargin is an antiviral medicine that the University of Nottingham has found effective against a number of viruses including the covid. Boy, I tell you, the UK is really on the ball. I read about this on a place called SciTechDaily. The more treatments found, the better.

Meanwhile here in the USA, the rollout of the vaccines are still problematic in some areas. One problem is there is no one plan for everyone to follow. Plans to get people vaccinated vary from state to state and/or county to county within one state. Vaccines are supposed to be getting sent to several major chain pharmacies. But they only get a dribble at a time. Then then they run out with long lines of people waiting to get their shot. Which means they have to come back when more vaccine comes in or try to go somewhere else for their shot. Another problem is many seniors don't have computers or the technology to sign up online for an appointment. And if they do it's so darn complicated they don't understand it and have to ask a family member or friend to help navigate through the website to try to make an appointment. Some just are giving up if they can't get help. One can also call via a phone but some places that are on the phone are not easy to get through either. Such a mess. And no excuse. No communication. There were 20 million doses of vaccine that as far as I know still haven't been accounted for. No one knows if they were given as shots, if they are sitting somewhere or just lost. 🙄. Another 1100 doses spoiled in Palm Beach Florida. Good grief. Someone said it would take 10 years to get everyone vaccinated here. The way things have been going I can see why. There are some people who go around looking for left over doses. Apparently the vaccines cannot be put back in the refrigerator once taken out and those get tossed. Some young people heard about it and went looking around until they found somewhere with leftovers and got the first dose. Now they have to figure out how to get the other dose. 🤔 Better than letting the vaccine go to waste though.

I and my partner are still hoping for the Johnson&Johnson vaccine as it is also very good and is highly effective to stave off serious illness and keeps people out of the hospital. Which all of the vaccines should do. It's also one shot. It should be coming soon.

My partner is having a hard time. He's over to the hospital now. He's had a catheter put in 3 times now. His Drs switched him to Xarelto from Eliquis. After a year on Eliquis he started having bad side effects. He took the Xarelto for less than a week and his prostate swelled up. He had prostate problems the last few years but nothing really major other than having urinary frequency. First catheter was in for a week and he got a UTI. Went back over to the hospital. Gave him some antibiotics. Came home. Those weren't working so back he went. A Dr said he was given the wrong antibiotic. 🙄They took out the catheter and gave him a different antibiotic. He came home and took one of the new antibiotic. Prostate swelled up again. Back to the ER at the hospital. Another catheter put back in. And a third antibiotic. Catheter was leaking so back to the ER. It was removed and a third one put in. That one was a week ago. And it started leaking. The hospital had told him to go back to his VA clinic today so he just waited it out. He went to the VAthis morning hoping to get it out. Nope. The VA clinic told him to go back to the hospital because somebody did something wrong because it shouldn't leak. 😠 So he's over in the ER now. Inept Drs. Hope they do something right this time. He was so miserable the other day he said he understands why some people think about suicide. And this comes from a man who was raised Catholic and I have heard him say more than once how suicide is a sin. So for him to say that he was really feeling awful. I feel so bad for him. But he's so dang independent he won't ask for help either so I do what I can. And worrying about the virus doesn't help. All I can do is pray. 😞 And he's taking baby aspirin now. He said no more of these blood thinners. He's sensitive to prescription meds like I am. He told the Drs over at the hospital he went back to aspirin and they said that was fine.

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belindalore profile image
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20 Replies
lettingoffsteam profile image

I'm sorry your partner is having such a tough time and I hope he gets some relief soon.Maybe he should talk to his GP about how low he's feeling in mood.I felt very low after my diagnosis but I found that CBT helped. As to the virus,try not to worry too much.I would suggest avoiding reading up too much about it.Luckily the vaccination programme is good in the UK so take every necessary precaution and hang on tight.Take care.


belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to lettingoffsteam

Thank you for your kindness. I'm hoping he gets better soon. The virus is getting worse as Dr Fauci said the new variants are much much worse and even if you get vaccinated you can still get reinfected from the new variants. We will be fighting these viruses for years to come. All we can do is try to continue to be safe. You take care also. 🙏

lettingoffsteam profile image
lettingoffsteam in reply to belindalore

Thanks Belindadore.

CDreamer profile image

Hi Belinda. Sounds like your partner is going through a really tough time and that’s hard for you to watch. I often think that it’s harder to watch another ill and distressed than to go through it yourself.

Your healthcare and political system is SO different to ours that it’s impossible for us to comment but we commiserate.

I do think the reason we in the UK have managed to get so many people vaccinated is because we have a centralised and nationwide system where everyone gets hopefully but not always, equal access as a human right. However, no system is perfect.

Providing the vaccine supply remains stable, it is estimated that everyone in groups 1-4 which = all clinically vulnerable and all over 65’s will be vaccinated by mid-end of March. But our geography is also very different as we are a small, densely populated nation which makes distribution easier.

I’m still waiting for my call up, estimated mid-Feb - mid-March but I saw some vaccinations being offered through social media at the only pharmacy in our town offering vaccinations - purely because people hadn’t turned up and they didn’t want them to go to waste but you still had to be in the highly vulnerable group to get an appointment.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to CDreamer

Yes you are lucky in a way to live in smaller country. And have a more national rollout of the vaccines. It's helter skelter in so many areas here. But really there's no excuse. It just proves the ineptness of our politicians and governors and mayors. I often think if a universal health system could have been passed here decades ago maybe things could have been different. Now it would never work. Our Medicare for seniors 65 and over started out to be equal care for all. Then it was allowed to be taken over by the insurance companies and it's been downhill from there. Drs have to hire a huge office staff just to wade through all the different insurances. Not all Drs accept all insurances. Some quit accepting Medicare insurance. It's not a fair system at all.There's bad news being reported about the virus here. All the vaccines will not work against the new variants. It's been reported it will be seven years for all this to end. That's coming from our news and Dr Fauci. It's a different world now. But we have to do our best. All we can do.

Take care.

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to belindalore

It was on bbc news yesterday that the Oxford vaccine will he effective against Covid 19,just needs adapting slightly . Hopefully others will be too . Also stops virus being transmitted .

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to wilsond

That's good news. Thanks for sharing. Stay safe and well.

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to belindalore

You too xxx

Buffafly profile image

😢 Sorry you are having such a depressing and stressful time Belinda. Sounds like all you are hearing is bad news - isn’t there a channel that specialises in good news stories? I used to play FarmVille to take my mind off bad stuff but it has been discontinued. Maybe you could play a social game instead of watching scaremongering stories? 🦋

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Buffafly

Yes read above posts. It is bad news. Every time I hear the news it gets worse. I watch a channel on TV that airs all the old game shows. About all I watch. But I have to watch the news once in awhile to keep up with what's going on. Unfortunately it's never good when it's about the virus. 😞 Take care.

Finvola profile image

I'm so sorry to read of the distressing time your partner is having and the pain you are going through watching it happen. I do hope it can be resolved quickly for both of you.

I live in Northern Ireland which has a small population and our vaccine roll out has been very good. People from 70 upward are being vaccinated in groups by GP's who make the appointments by phone. The 60-69 group are deemed to be more 'versatile' than us old fogies, so they can book online at one of 7 regional vaccination centres. It seems to work well and is, as you say, because of the low population involved.

Take care and look after yourself.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Finvola

Thank you Finvola. It looks like he is better this morning. Needs to rest up for a few days. But he's Polish and they tend to be a little stubborn. 😉 Yes it seems the smaller countries are having a better roll out. Could be you haven't let politics get in the way like has happened here in the states.😒 It's a little ridiculous the bickering among the politicians in the middle of a serious pandemic. There's no sense of unity at all. In fact as far as I see it, no common sense among our leaders at all. It's like watching a bunch of toddlers running wild and out of control. So happy though that you live in a place where you are not having to worry when or even if you will get a vaccine.

I have ancestors from Ireland. I'll never be able to travel there, but my brother took a trip with two of his friends and they went to Ireland and Scotland. He said Ireland was beautiful. My family name is Dally. And there was a castle called the Dally castle either in Ireland or Scotland I think in the 1200's. Can't remember which country at the moment. But all that is left of the castle is rubble. But there is supposed to be the Dally house still intact on the property. Kind of makes me feel royal. 😅

Do take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Finvola profile image
Finvola in reply to belindalore

It's good that there is some positive news - my husband is German and they are also stubborn but then so are most nations!!

What an interesting history you have, like many American friends we have - and Dally Castle is in Northumberland in the north east of England. From reading up on it, I think there are Scottish links to it and there does seem to be a large house near it. Indeed, your forebears probably did have a link to it.

Some sensible politicians seems to be too big an ask in most places in the world at the moment. I hope your new President can get things moving quickly and get the vaccines to where they are needed.

Thank you for your good wishes - and I return the compliment.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Finvola

I had looked up some information about the Dally castle a few years ago after my brothers trip. Just couldn't remember much of what I read.Well, our new President isn't having much luck with the vaccines getting where they need to go. He has a "team" of aides who are supposed to oversee everything. Not going well. Not when 20 million doses were not accounted for recently. Now another worry. The USA has banned travelers from 26 countries coming to the USA. But yet he has reversed Trump's plan to keep illegal immigration under control. Mexico was working very well with us to help. Now that Biden reversed Trump's plan we are back to "catch and release". Once the illegals are caught here in the USA, they have to be released within 72 hours. They are supposed to show up for hearings but the majority never do. They disappear. And they are NOT being tested for covid. So now we have a President who is putting our legal citizens in harm's way. The Democrats are "do as I say, not as I do". And because of that, this country has a very grim future. Why would anyone with any sense at all, think it's okay to let thousands of illegal immigrants from Central America into their country in the middle of a pandemic? And not knowing how many may be infected with the virus? I just don't get it. 😞

Drakelady profile image

Sorry, Belindalore, I have been taking Xarelto for 9 months but have not noticed any side effects, only , only the extra beeding if cut or have bloods taken, I hope someone else can have some information for you.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Drakelady

Thank you for your kind words. It helps. 😔 And glad you are doing well with your meds.

bassets profile image

Hope all settles down for you and life improves for you both - good luck.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to bassets

Thank you.

Cha275rL profile image

Oh I’m so sorry to hear how difficult your situation is there belindore, and having your partner with problems too must be awful for you, especially hearing how down he is. My husband’s best friend is Polish, and drives his wife up the wall with his stubbornness and independent streak, so maybe it is a Polish trait.Wish there was something I could do to help, but will say a prayer for you both, and hope that helps. Keep your chin up.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Cha275rL

Thank you so much for your prayers. It is so appreciated. You stay safe and well.

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