Desperately seeking answers - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Desperately seeking answers

JessicaP823 profile image
21 Replies

I’m 36 years old. I was diagnosed with Covid back in July. All of my cardiac problems followed that diagnosis. Up until then, I was a healthy, active woman. No one can seem to tell me what’s really wrong. Everyone keeps saying Covid did this and gave me tachy/brady syndrome. My HR will be anywhere from 31-210 at complete rest. I have all the symptoms of a heart attack during my episodes. I have had an EP study which showed nothing he could safely ablate. I have been a guinea pig for several different medicines. None of which have helped to this point. I am currently on week two of flecainide and I seem to be having more “episodes” than when I wasn’t taking it. I want to come off of this medicine so bad. Any suggestions on how I can without adverse effects? Thanks guys!

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JessicaP823 profile image
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21 Replies

Out of curiosity, and you've given a good outline, BUT, do you have any digestive issues, that you might experience after eating that you might regard as a trigger to an AF 'attack'.


JessicaP823 profile image
JessicaP823 in reply to

I don’t :/ nothing else to really mention except for what I covered. It’s so frustrating not knowing what’s wrong!

Paulbounce profile image

Hi Jessica.

Your heart rate going from 31 - 210 is either far to low or to high. I think at these rates you should contact a medic asap.

I'm sorry but I really can't offer more advice. I would call your doctor and let him / her know. 31 is far to low.

Try not worry as I'm sure you'll be OK. However at those rates go to A&E to play safe. I would at either of those levels.

Good luck.


JessicaP823 profile image
JessicaP823 in reply to Paulbounce

I’m under the care of a cardiologist and an electrophysiologist. Neither of them know what exactly is wrong. That’s what’s so frustrating about it all.

jeanjeannie50 profile image

Really feel for you Jessica.

I hope your heart condition is just a symptom of covid and that you will eventually return to normal sinus rhythm again. I believe after effects can go on for a long time. Meanwhile only eat natural plant based food and totally avoid eating anything that contains artificial sweeteners, additives, or sugar, to see if that helps.

Please keep in touch and let us know how you progress. I've not heard of covid causing heart rhythm problems before.

Wishing you well.


Desanthony profile image
Desanthony in reply to jeanjeannie50

Take decaffeinated drinks too or just drink water and no wine or beer - though if you are feeling as bad as you are doubt you would really want to drink beer or wine. Bless you hope this eventually passes as a long covid symptom. AF does seem to be a symptom after Covid - there was a programme on earlier in the year with the two Drs the Van Tuliken twins one of whom had covid and had got AF and we watched him complain about the symptoms and also watched him having a cardioversion - it was great to see a Dr in the situation we have been in so many times and see him complaining.

Letofeyd profile image

I just want to say how sorry I am to hear that you are suffering this and I hope you find help very soon.

Take care.

secondtry profile image

Hi Jessica, I am no expert on Covid but I have read several times take daily Vit C around 2g of a quality one in liquid form and Vit D; run it past your doctor first.

KirstyDC300 profile image
KirstyDC300 in reply to secondtry

Whilst we’re talking supplements, lots of people on here, including myself found a magnesium supplement helped a lot. My Heart Attack followed having Covid but I was never sure if it was related as it was a few months after. As this is all so unknown, I’m just clinging to the trust that our bodies are capable of healing themselves. Good luck x

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to KirstyDC300

Yes, I am a firm believer the body can heal itself over months/years given the right lifestyle choices; by that I include breathing properly (search YouTube James Nestor and Patrick McKeown for more info) and supplements; my London Naturopath put me straight onto a Magnesium compound plus CoQ10 for my AF. Patience & Persistence!

KirstyDC300 profile image
KirstyDC300 in reply to secondtry

Sounds great. I’ll add COq10 and breathing exercises to my list :-)

If your heart rate is anything like 210 you need to seek immediate medical attention. On the question of coming off flecainide, there are several different drugs which use a different mechanism to that drug. . Sotolal would be a possible alternative. Usually, when changing from one to another you are asked to stop taking any drug for at least two days (presumaby to avoid interaction between the two- but I don’t know this to be a fact). It goes without saying that this needs to be done under medical supervision. I hope you manage to find a medication or treatment which stabilises your situation.

Ppiman profile image

It's in the nature of these things generally to resolve, at least somewhat, over time. I'd be surprised if that wasn't the case with you. Time is a great healer because the body knows well how to correct for problems (of course, not always, I realise). If the flecainide isn't helping, then tell your GP as I'm pretty sure that he or she will tell you to stop taking it as it isn't (so far as I understand it) "curing" anything, only altering the heart rate and rhythm in the hope of giving you a better quality of life.


doodle68 profile image

Hello Jessica 😊 welcome though I wish you had no need to be here and feel very sad for you.

I can imagine how scared you must feel, similar to how those of us who experience severe symptoms with P-AF feel . At least you are not alone, C19 has had a similar effect on a number of people but I understand the arrhythmia issues can resolve themselves in time.

In your position I would do everything I could to help my body to help itself the same as is advised with AF so that is avoid any stress/eat small nutritious meals with lots of vegetables and no additives/no alcohol/ get lots of sleep/ get some daily exercise even if you can only manage laying on the floor doing stretching exercise/ learn breathing and relaxation techniques that you can use during an episode.

I found my P-AF episodes easier to cope with when I learnt to get rid of the fear and anxiety with relaxation techniques .

I wish you well 😊

JessicaP823 profile image
JessicaP823 in reply to doodle68

This is such good advice. Thank you ♥️

Polski profile image

Covid19 can cause 'thickening' of the blood I believe. Assuming you are not taking an anticoagulant or regular aspirin, you may want to add 1 grm of fish oil to your regimen (not cod liver oil). This is meant to be very good for the heart, and will also 'thin' the blood slightly.

Challiefan profile image

I was told by a registrar at my local hospital that if my HR drops below 40 bpm I should go to A&E immediately. You might like to think about doing the same. It would put futher pressure on the medics to sort your issues out quickly.

meadfoot profile image

Sorry you are having to contend with this. I have heard of several people who have been thrown into arrhythmia during or after a bad bout of Covid 19. One was a tv medic, a twin whose brother also was a tv medic. He apparently has suffered badly with arrhythmia during his covid. Hope things resolve over time. Sending you a virtual hug. Ask medics for further help those wide ranging heart rates aren’t good. Take care.

meadfoot profile image

No, only people who had arrhythmia since or during having covid for the first time. I wonder if there are any figures on arrhythmia patients who catch covid and how their hearts have performed.

JessicaP823 profile image

Yes I wore a heart monitor for a month and they caught several of my “episodes” so they’ve def seen it but just don’t know what’s causing it yet.


Safc1983 profile image

Hello JessicaP823, I’m in a similar boat. 37 years old, fit and healthy with no precious underlying history. Caught covid in April with resulted in a blood clot which led to a discovery of atrial fibrillation and heart failure. It’s an awful position to be in as nobody seems to know why or how. I hope you come through this fine and well. Look after yourself.

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