I am a healthy 35 yo male with quite active lifestyle. I used to play badminton until I was diagnosed with SVT 2 years back. My cardiologist did all the tests and said there is no problem with my heart apart from this tiny electrical glitch which he thought as AVNRT. I was put on Verapimil but It made me feel worse, doctor then put me on Metroprolol which helped me to manage my palpitations for quite sometime. I still used to get those short runs of palpitations sometimes even multiple times a day. I decided to get that ablated and underwent ablation surgery a month back. During EP study, doctor was able to trigger SVT but was not able to fix it completely. He told its Atrial tachychardia and it needs some electromagnetic mapping technique to locate and ablate it. I am still in recovery phase from my first ablation and havent given any thought for second ablation. Personally i would like to give myself some time to heal and observe before I make any decision to go for 2nd ablation. I am getting lots of palpitations and tachycardia runs after ablation which was not there before. Is it something normal or needs to be addressed? I would also like to take opinion from members if it’s worth trying for 2nd ablation for AT. Any help is highly appreciated.
Palpitations after ablation and Atria... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Palpitations after ablation and Atrial tachycardia question. Need suggestions!!

Firstly find our fact sheet and this will re-assure you . heartrhythmalliance.org/res... I agree that you need time. (at least six months) to recover before considering a second ablation.
To add to Bob 's advice I can tell you that after a number of ablations for AF I developed Atrial Tachycardia. About 6 months after my last AF ablation I had an ablation for Atrial Tachycardia and they used 3D mapping. The procedure took about 7 hours but I am pleased to say 3 years on that my heart rhythm is significantly better as is my QOL.
The caveat as always is that we are all different and so are the hospitals and EP Consultants.
Thanks, It’s great to know you are free from AT after ablation. I would like to know more about 3D mapping. Do they perform it before ablation? How is it different from usual catheter ablation procedure?
The 3D mapping is real time so you are wired up to the system throughout. I believe they are able to see what they are doing as they do it this is why it took so long for me last time.
Here is a link to the website of the company that market one of the systems:
It is without doubt amazing technology.
How are you today?
Did the palpitations stop or did you had another ablation?
I had my ablation 3,5 weeks ago for PVCs and 10 days after I started to have high frequency of PACs. It’s really annoying and they can fire 3 times a row with a higher pulse.
I didn’t had this before my ablation.