What is your level of endurance/exercise that you comfortably tolerate after ablation? I was working in the garden today, NOT exerting myself much at all and my heart rate was in the 130-140 range for very little effort. I chose to rest, but could have kept working. Is it better not to stress the heart with a higher rate, or is it okay? I barely did anything at all and it just got so high... 😒. I'm 10 days post ablation for right atrial SVT.
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Tachycardia after ablation

Not stress the heart, especially in the first few months.
I was advised to not go above 120 on exertion but that was calculated from my age at the time and my general fitness level. Maybe consult cardio rehab expert? There are a lot of cardio rehab trainers around, my husband goes to a local gym class where is his closely monitored and advised.
Why are you keen to exercise so quickly ? Really you heed to let your heart recover for at least 2 weeks of very little effort at all.The patient leaflet on here is excellent and explains post ablation recovery
I wasn't exercising, I was weeding the garden 😒. I guess I didn't thjnk that would be considered exercising. My EP said I could get back to normal activities within a week, so I considered that a normal activity! I'll ask the EP nurse and see what they think!
But you were bent over?? See my reply below, far far too early. They have gone into your heart and microwaved it, basic description.

10 days is far too early for such things.
It is going to take some time for you and your heart to recover from the ablation at two weeks you are still in a very early stage of recovery. I suggest you do some reading on what to expect after having a ablation there's usually a three to six month blanking period where the heart needs to form scars from the procedure to help prevent the erratic electrical impulses coming from the heart. I'm six months post op from my second ablation and I've had some episodes along the way as I recovered getting less frequent as time went on.
I’m soon to have an ablation in a couple of weeks and I don’t intend to do very much at all for at least 2-3 weeks after. Weeding, although it might not seem like exercise, involves a lot of bending and twisting, which can be quite an effort in itself and can put stress on the heart at such an early stage. The fact sheets also tell us that heart rate is slightly higher than usual after an ablation.
I think recovery after ablation can often be underestimated, from what I’ve read and already heard myself.
Try and take it a bit easier 😊
You are only 10 days post ablation! I have just had a 7 day ECG monitor to see how mine has gone. I had my ablation in February. I did not do anything much, if I needed any lifting or anything heavy, husband did it. I did not want to compromise the operation success. I have just been told that I can get the odd peaks which is ok. I have an Apple Watch linked to Cardiogram app, this is normal I was told, over next months should improve more. If one wants the procedure to be a good success, one should consider doing nothing that migh compromise it, my view. I think people are given in my view, unrealistic ideas. This IS a serious procedure and it seems to be downplayed by some medics.
You are in early days recovery. 💗
i ran a mile after 8 days. Went back to crossfit on day 9 but took it easy. I asked my arrhythmia team a few times if it was ok and told them my HR was over 150 on working out and they didn’t seem alarmed and didn’t give me limits. I’m not back to full capacity by any means at 7 weeks and had awful arrhythmias in the foothills of Colorado with altitude coming from sea level. But they just don’t seem concerned-only when my hr was 102 in the middle of the night which I fixed by I taking my Daughter’s propranolol. Maybe they are not digesting my queries on hr. They just say it takes three months to heal!
gosh ten days is early , I’m eight days after ablation and just in the chalet, ( well it’s raining so can’t do much anyway!!) . It’s my second ablation and you must not push it. It’s a funny ol thing as you can play by the rules and you still get the heart go silly, but best be cautious at the moment. My heart seems yo not like me eating my evening meal and gets the jitters after that.
My first ablation I can remeber messaging this forum saying I’m three months snd still get days I’m flattened is this real and they all saud yes…..so it’s a long process for this amazing heart we have to repair itself.
I’m of course impatient to be normal, in fact feel a tad fed up I can’t quicken it all but I know I can’t and if I did the body just reaches out an says woah…and thrn you are flattened while it recharges so it’s just not worth it.
take it easy for a bit Megan,
Best wishe,
Thanks for all the replies! I will try to settle down some and be more patient.