Hi, I'm waiting for an ablation for svt. It got quite bad in June so I saw my GP and was put on Bisoprolol 1.25mg and my svt episodes stopped. I was due to have an ablation on 27 Sept. I stopped my meds on 23 Sep. The ablation was postponed until 21 Oct. I haven't restarted the Bisoprolol. I haven't had any symptoms or anything although I know it is only about 10 days yet. I almost wonder whether I need the ablation. So, to my question, if for any reason they can't trigger the svt during the procedure then I assume that they won't burn my heart and I assume then that my recovery should be very quick, ie no impact on my heart. So either they will trigger the svt and find where the rogue signal is coming from and ablate it, or if they can't trigger the svt nothing much will happen. I'm looking for reassurance I think. Any comments?
Ablation question: Hi, I'm waiting for... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Ablation question

Hello, are you in the UK? Arrhythmia Alliance is hosting a patients day on Sunday 6 October, and it's FREE to register for patients with SVT.
You can find out about the day at heartrhythmalliance.org/aa/... and register by calling us on 01798 867501
Topics will include treatments for SVT including ablation

I am in the uk (Cheshire) but I'm busy that day and can't really justify trying to get to Birmingham. Thanks though.

I agree with your assumption. I had a recent ablation for atrial tachycardia and asked my EP how he would know where it was since at that time I had not had an event for about five months. He explained that he could excite heh heart and trigger it. Afterwards he gleefully told me he had found four different sites active which he had ablated!
Thanks Bob. I was starting to think that it would be a pity if I had the procedure and they couldn't trigger the svt. Wasting their time and resources and messing up my heart. I guess that they are better at triggering svt than we think. I suppose it is a win win really. If they can't trigger it then I can't be that bad and if they can trigger it then they can ablate it and hopefully improve things (I won't say cure it).
Hi did you have the procedure under sedation or general anaesthetic?
Had all four of my ablaations under GA. My EP prefers to have an anaesthetist look after his patients whilst he works. Less distracting!
Interesting - my EP says he will only use sedation (he said ‘you’ve just got to endure it’) - but I am a very nervous patient - probably I need to find another more understanding EP.
Hi fazerboy I was having frequent & real stubborn long lasting episodes of SVT often needing Adenosine to convert them. I was taken off Bisoprolol just before my Ablation in May 2019.
During my ablation svt diagnosed as AVRNT was triggered with drugs to isolate the area & then ablated. Obviously if they cannot trigger the svt then I guess the procedure would be cancelled.
My own ablation was successful & have been completely SVT free, in the end though my Bradycardia ensured the implant of my Pacemaker (named it Frank after Frank ZAPPA! ) So if your SVT's are few & far between & you can convert them using vagal nerve techniques then it might be worth holding off although it may well be inevitable in the end. Best wishes
Hi, I originally said I didn't want an ablation (last December) but things got progressively worse so in summer I asked to go back on the list. I then needed Bisoprolol and this stopped the svt but made me very tired. It is only now that I have stopped the meds (to prepare for the procedure) and the svt hasn't returned but it is very early days. I think I just need to get it sorted on 21 Oct and be done with it.
I was initially told it would be under full sedatlon but at my preop appointment they said it will be under general anaesthetic. I’ll leave it up to them as to what they think is best.
I was so pleased I went for it after 18 years of dithering with svts happening sometimes three times a week to going a few months my feeling is that if it’s there it’s there, if that makes sense. I had mine under GA and felt ok afterwards and believe me I am a wimp, one of those who can’t even stand having a clean at the dentist lol. Whatever you decide good luck luvvy , I had mine in January and have been svt free since thank goodness. Touch wood so to speak x