My Ablation was one year ago, it lasted 7 months. Now I am trying to decide if I should get a second ablation. My doctor was one of the best and experienced doctors in Seattle. I am so disappointed and I am not looking forward to going through this again. Please tell me your experience with a second ablation as I don’t know what to do?
Should I get a second Ablation? - Atrial Fibrillati...
Should I get a second Ablation?

It took three to get rid of my AF with a top man in London.
I've had three ablations and still get AF, but it's nowhere near as bad since the third one.
Even though you had the ablation carried out by a top EP in Seattle sometimes it is necessary to have more than one ablation to locate all the rogue electrical pathways.
I suggest you talk at length with your doctor about the pros and cons if another ablation in your case.
We are all different.
By the way for me I consider 7 months without AF a success. I started having AF 30 years ago and have not had an episode since October last year.
Keep relaxed.
I'm in full agreement with the other respondents. Talk with your ep specialist, weight up pros and cons, then make your decision.
I have had 3. My 3rd one was a year ago and I have had no episodes of afib and I am off all meds. It was worth it.
I have had 2 ablations and 6 cardioversions in 2.5 years. Mine are usually on an emergency basis since I have RVR with a heart rate over 190 - that doesn't respond well to medications and I have never converted on my own. Most people get along just fine with more than one ablations. After my last ablation in October, I had an episode of AFIB with RVR and the EP started me on flectinaide after the cardioversion, and I am getting along great. I do have occasional flutters but I consider my 2nd ablation a success (I am knocking on wood because I figure I just jinxed myself ) Good luck.
Boy, can I identify with you....17 cardioversions 5 years, 1/2 of a ablation (unable to finish surgery, ICU) complications with cardiac tamponade, second 1/2 ablation 6 months later. Was on 50 mg twice daily of Flecainide, currently 150 mg twice daily and holding for 13 months. Tried all drugs, one including a cardiac arrest on second dose of Tikosyn.... a rocky ride of events. I am considering a actual 3 surgery which would be a 2nd ablation To be off these drugs, not sure what to do. I am otherwise healthy, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever caused the scarring in my heart which is why I have Afib.
After my first ablation early last year for AF, afterwards the cardiologist said he had hoped they had been successful but there was more to address than they had thought, I guess meaning they might have missed something, which given the procedure and not knowing until they are inside, is understandable. Five months later it returned but this time it was Flutter so I had a second ablation an easier procedure ( and they did make reference afterwards in a letter that they addressed issues missed off first time ) and really pleased I did as at least I know I have given myself the best shot of a decent life , and whilst we are indeed so very different physically, I know we all stride for the best quality of life. Good luck.
Hello Slattery.
My first ablation lasted a month and I felt 100%. I then went to a situation with Persistent AF and SVT which was worse than the initial PAF. I had a second ablation 2 months later which mentally was more stressful. My stress was based around the 1% risk of death and taking the risk for a second time (stupid I know). Well the second ablation was 6 1/2 years ago and I am 85% fixed. You would be lucky to end up 100% fixed. Go For It
I’ve had two ablations and am waiting for my third. The second lasted nearly two years and a flu virus tipped me into AF again. Even though it failed I felt much better after. As said it often takes more tries and although disappointing I would go for one if offered. I figure they wouldn’t offer it unless they thought it could help.
I think it's fairly common to need a second to tidy 'up the bits' they didn't get the first time. My EP told me before the first, that we were on a journey together. I have been unlucky enough to need 4 and am probably going to have a 5th when the hospitals are safer.
I’ve had two ablations , first one like you lasted 6/7 months , second was February 2018 and it is still fine now , apart from one or two quick blips , I’m 52 . Good luck .
Like Bob I've had 3 and I'm now mostly good. My EP was of the opinion that after the last one he had some unfinished work and was keen to do another but as I only have periodic bouts of AF which self resolve after a couple of days we've decided to do nothing further for now. If you have confidence in your EP I would go for it.
My first Ablation was last December, currently holding well, but I’m fully ready to go in for a 2nd if things do turn for the worse. Don’t really want to go back on that table either, but even this little freedom from Afib has been worth it.
Not sure what the odds on becoming free or close to it are after just one ablation, but they must be high. My EP explained to me that I’d almost certainly need at least one more which has proved to be correct. I’m listed for my 2nd later this year for a “touch up”. Not something to look forward to, but necessary nonetheless. Best of luck.
I had cryo PVI ablation for afib and was fine for 14 months. I developed atypical flutter and had a second this time radiofrequency ablation. Very challenging for EP he did four circuits with a 5th circuit not addressed due to the length of the procedure. I have been OK for 8 months. Weaning off propafenone.
I also take Propafenone and did stop it. After six days of sinus rhythm, I went back into AF. So I took Propafenone 300 mg. and 4 hours later I was back to sinus rhythm. My question is how do you wean off Propafenone?
I was taking 425 mg 2x day and EP wanted me to just stop. I had some 325 mg capsules from another prescription so started taking them 2x day. I just reduced to 1 x day. Have had some ectopics but no afib or aflutter. I plan to reduce to every other day. Note this is my plan. I got the idea from another afib forum.
Done it 4 times in as many years and the last one is holding. You DON'T want to go in to permanent afib! So I would do again in a second! Good luck
Thank you all , I will set up an appointment with my doctor when it is safe . You made me feel much better about a second ablation.
My second has worked better than the first. I think EPs go for the PVI first time and it works for many people. My first lasted 9 months with occasional episodes before returning as persistent AF 24 /7. The second wasn't so much a touch up as visiting completely new areas of the heart and was far more complicated. Things took 4 months to stabilise subsequently, but after that I feel much better. Short bursts of slow AF - say 30 mins - every couple of months over 2 years. But I had had very longstanding AF for 10 years ignored by my my GP. I am still on Flecainide, but it works well, I may need a third ablation but feel I am managing now. Good luck with your decision. I suppose it depends on how badly the AF is getting you down.