Second Ablation confirmed ! - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Second Ablation confirmed !

stoneyrosed profile image
48 Replies

Well I have just come off the phone to the EP who did my first ablation. He has offered me a second ablation this time RF, he said it is not 100% success rate but is often done to fill in the gaps that the first one has missed. My thoughts are mixed as I was so disappointed at the first ablation not really working but I don’t particular want to stay on the meds and I am desperate in stopping the AF episodes. So here goes ablation part 2 🤞

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stoneyrosed profile image
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48 Replies
BobD profile image

Good decision Stoney. Cryo often needs RF to tidy up. Nothing is 100% of course. I had three RF before my AF stopped in 2008. Well worth the effort as apart from anticoagulation (for life of course) I was able to stop all AF meds.

stoneyrosed profile image
stoneyrosed in reply to BobD

Thanks as usual for the encouragement Bob, your the rock that keeps this site together long may that continue. Thank you.

mjm1971 profile image
mjm1971 in reply to BobD

Hi Bob Sorry to ask

But if you have had no episodes since 2008 why do you often state that there is no cure for all of us with AF ?

Are you 100% certain it will return etc ?

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to mjm1971

Sorry for butting in Bob.

I have a question about the definition of the word ‘cure’ because it’s a word often used on the forum in regard to AF.

For me using the word ‘cure’ in relation to AF is problematic, not least because it’s often a symptom of underlying, untreated conditions - Thyroid or leaky mitral valve for example.

By ‘cure’ do you mean that AF should be permanently gone from one’s life? For ever?

The meaning of cure is the restoration of health. I’ve come to the conclusion that I can be healthy and have occasional AF in my life but there was a time when AF stopped me living my life and I would have done anything (more or less) to stop the beast. Treatments such as ablation and Pacemaker have diminished the frequency and intensity of episodes but I came to the realisation that it is now a part of my life which I can live with. My expectations are now much lower.

AF is such a rogue condition and affects people so diversely, is caused by so many different conditions and experiences that I think we have to remember that it is only in the last few decades it’s even been thought to be treatable and in previous generations AF was not understood or treated - you just had ‘palpitations’.

I now view AF as a chronic condition which some people can find relief from differing treatments for varying periods of time and a few find the magic bullet which eliminates AF from the lives.

Singwell profile image
Singwell in reply to CDreamer

I'm much less further on my AF journey than you but I tend to agree. Not been easy but I realise after 2 years u kind if accept I have AF - that its likely to be with me sometimes more and sometimes less in the background- for the duration. I'd like it to be less than it is right now but it's no longer ruining my life and peace of mind. I think the purpose if ablation is to put our AF into remission.

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to CDreamer

CD I agree whole heartedly and try never to use the term myself. I may say AF was terminated. lol 😁

To answer the other questions addressed to me here also, whilst Atrial Fibrillation is the most common arrhythima it is by no means the only one. Many of us go on to develop other types of arrhythmia and when I say I am taking no drugs to control AF that is quite true. Back along I was taking 900mg a day of propafanone to try and control my AF.

I obviously take anticoagulation (Warfarin in my case) and a small dose of losartan to help control blood pressure but have had no AF since late 2008. I did from time to time develop clusters of ectopic beats and possibly around 2013 started paroxysmal atrial tachycardia. An ablation for ATach in 2019 sems to have left me with an execssively high resting heart rate which is now controlled by 150mg daily of propafanone to an average of 85bpm. Attempts to further reduce this using nebivolol usually result in bradycardia and inability to function beyond laying around being moody and magnificent. Since 85 is bang in the middle of normal range (60-100) I accept this as my new normal.

So is my AF cured? By some definitions yes. Is my arrhythmia cured? I wish!!!

mjm1971 profile image
mjm1971 in reply to BobD

Blimey I’m now really confused ( doesn’t take much ) I have Part Time AF attacks and a Flutter

I get no real symptoms

I get tired now and then

That’s it

My heart is fine structurally ( echo done)

So if my ablation works the same as Bobs did

How is that not me being cured ?

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to mjm1971

Ok let us try a different tack. Nobody actually knows what causes AF apart from some odd things like NSAIDs and alcohol in young people.

Every single treatment for AF is only about quality of life i.e stopping or reducing symptoms. Ablation may accomplish this but it hasn't dealt with the underlying reason that you got it in the first place, mainly because we don't know for sure what that is! Are you cured?

Is anybody ever cured of being an alcoholic? You can be a recovering alcoholic but are you cured of the reason you became one? Can an alcoholic ever drink socially again? Maybe that idea is a red herring but I'm running out of ideas.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to BobD

Good try Bob.

Cookie24 profile image
Cookie24 in reply to BobD

Do you just take Propafenone and no rate control drug such as Diltiazem?

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Cookie24

Propafanone has beta blocking function as well as rhythm control so not needed Cookie.

Ablation7 profile image
Ablation7 in reply to BobD

Moody and Magnificent! 🤣🤣

Bambi65 profile image
Bambi65 in reply to mjm1971

Well...... Cure- not having any bouts of afib, taking NO medicines to control rate or rhythm, and not taking any anticoagulants. That is how I define a cure....... 'Having said that, I have been cured of the afib monster.

Hammerboy profile image
Hammerboy in reply to BobD

Hi Bob , which meds were you on that you have stopped taking ?

momist profile image

Best of luck Stoney, I really hope all goes well and it works this time. Please keep on posting here, whatever happens.

stoneyrosed profile image

Thanks so much momist and I will do.

Lenlec profile image

Best of luck

stoneyrosed profile image

Thanks Lenlec 👍

Hammerboy profile image

Hi , I'm on the list waiting for my second ablation . My cryo didn't stop my episodes but have reduced the symptoms and frequency son I'm hoping the follow up RF procedure works . I've been waiting 9 months so far so hoping it's not too much longer .Good luck with yours and please let us know how it goes 🤞

stoneyrosed profile image

Certainly will Hammer, you have been waiting quite a while must be due soon, best of luck with it. Are you hoping for General anaesthetic or are you happy with sedation? I cannot quite make my mind up, probably have to go with what they suggest. Let us know how you get on. All the best !

CDreamer profile image

Hope it works well for you.

stoneyrosed profile image
stoneyrosed in reply to CDreamer

Thanks CD, much appreciated !

Singwell profile image

I don't think any ablation is 100% guaranteed but if you're having the gaps filled in and continue to live a healthy lifestyle you ought to notice a significant improvement. I feel that much better after my partially successful RF ablation that I'll be going fir a second when it comes up.

stoneyrosed profile image

Thanks Singwell, either meds or ablation, and I always live in hope so ablation it is !

Sfhmgusa profile image

My second ablation has given me so far 18 months of unbroken sinus rhythm and with the exception of anticoagulant no meds for 18 months.I am now walking hiking cycling as I used to and I’m very happy.

I really hope your result is the same well done.

I feel it would be sensible for EP s to say ….this ( ablation) is a one to three stage procedure .. from the outset so we don’t have the expectation gap if a first one doesn’t fully work


CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Sfhmgusa

Good point.

stoneyrosed profile image
stoneyrosed in reply to Sfhmgusa

I hope my my 2 nd ablation works as well as yours, thanks for the encouraging reply. Stay well 👍

bassets profile image

Best of luck!

stoneyrosed profile image
stoneyrosed in reply to bassets

Thanks Bassets 👍

Jajarunner profile image

Hope it works this time x

stoneyrosed profile image
stoneyrosed in reply to Jajarunner

Thanks Jaja 👍

Snowgirl65 profile image

Keeping fingers crossed for you that all goes well!

stoneyrosed profile image
stoneyrosed in reply to Snowgirl65

Thanks Snowgirl 👍

Cookie24 profile image

I had cryoablation for afib and then 14 months later a radiofrequency ablation for a flutter. Since then, I have two episodes - one a year.

stoneyrosed profile image
stoneyrosed in reply to Cookie24

That’s good, when did you have the RF?

Cookie24 profile image
Cookie24 in reply to stoneyrosed

October 2019

Shay52 profile image

I just had second ablation yesterday and it was a 3 hour zapping. Soreness where you would expect but hopeful this time. My second one was 11 months to the day from first but this time a lot more to procedure and I’m so tired of meds that do not work for me so time will tell? Doctor did tell my husband if this one not successful, I’m getting pacemaker which as I understand would get me off the beta-blockers, per my cardiologist. So wishing you the best. AFib has not been fun, to say the least! I’ve had off and on for last 3 years and my husband and I want to travel but difficult when you are out of breath and lightheaded!

stoneyrosed profile image
stoneyrosed in reply to Shay52

Thanks for your comment, I wish you all the very best. Yes AF when symptomatic is dreadful and difficult to live with, it is also difficult to explain to people what it is like as they cannot see anything broken or blood seeping. The anxiety and depression it causes is also a major problem. So even if it is not a cure, an easing of the symptoms is very welcome. I see no alternative at this stage but to go for an ablation. Good luck 🤞

Shay52 profile image
Shay52 in reply to stoneyrosed

Please keep us updated and I really hope this will help you! At this stage for me, if it does not do it, I’m proceeding with the pacemaker! My husband and I live in independent living in a CCRC and I’ve talked with several residents and some not living here who have pacemakers and they said it was the best route for them!

stoneyrosed profile image
stoneyrosed in reply to Shay52

I have not even thought about a pacemaker yet. Hope your ablation works for you so that you don’t have to either. Last resort I think. Good luck

Ablation7 profile image

Good luck, my EP is setting up my second one right now. Ugh.

stoneyrosed profile image
stoneyrosed in reply to Ablation7

I know, not pleasant but hopefully a relief of symptoms. All the best 🤞

Truckerclark profile image

Good luck 🤞

Safc1983 profile image

Best of luck to you!!! Im in the same boat and sympathise

stoneyrosed profile image
stoneyrosed in reply to Safc1983

You need another Ablation to my friend?

Safc1983 profile image
Safc1983 in reply to stoneyrosed

Indeed. (Sorry for the late reply)

stoneyrosed profile image
stoneyrosed in reply to Safc1983

Hope you get many years AF free with this one 👍👍

Dippy22 profile image

May I ask how long you had to wait for the first? My cardiologist is saying it’s a 12 month wait here in Plymouth, so what’s to go straight to pace and ablate - which I’m not happy about.

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