My first one was a success 2 years ago but last Sept after a chest infection I returned to A Fib . I was advised to come off the NOAC and go back on warfarin for a cardio version which I had a month ago . It took 6 months to stabilise my INR . For 3 days I was in NSR then back to A Fib . I've been advised to stay on warfarin for a tooth implant that was due last Dec . On this drug my hair falls out , I'm bloated and constipated , my eyes and nose run all day . My hospital has said my A Fib can be controlled with drugs and a second ablation will cause more scarring and are not keen to do another . I'm now on 10mg of bisoprolol and feel like I'm walking thru mud . Hopefully after my tooth is sorted I'll go back on the NOAC. But so many of you out there have had several ablations . Thoughts please
Should I push for a second ablation ? - Atrial Fibrillati...
Should I push for a second ablation ?

I don't understand why you were asked to change from a NOAC to warfarin and would be grateful if you could let us know if you were given any reasons for making the change

I had 2 Malory Weiss tears following food poisoning and lost 2/3 of my body's blood and they wanted to do a toe prior to the CV . So thought being better to be on warfarin

I also am mystified why you were told to go back to warfarin. Most illogical as Spock would say. I'm curious re the reluctance to do a second ablation. I had three before my AF was stopped.
It's so universally common to need a second ablation, I'm really surprised they would be reluctant to consider, unless the first one was unusually difficult or something. Of course, if they used the more recent mapping equipment, perhaps they were able to find so many more areas, the usual second "cleanup" ablation shouldn't be needed...unless it is!
Maybe you should ask for 3nd opinion re NOAC and ablation.
I would see my GP in order to make an urgent appointment to see the electrophysiologist and discuss it with him/her urgently and obtain all the facts so a decision can be made one way or the other. I would also ask why I'm not on the new anticoagulation drugs as you cannot cope with warfarin.
Good luck.