I have been prescribed Apixaban to take prior to my first ever cardioversion. I am really seeking some resssurance after reading people’s experience with Apixaban and secondly regarding having the cardioversion. Also is it correct that bisoprolol puts weight on you. Any advice much appreciated
Apixaban: I have been prescribed... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Well, it slows your system down, including your digestion. i had problems with constipation.
I was losing weight when I was put on Boisporolo last september and have lost 1 1/2 stone since then.
Any help.
For what it is worth I'm low carb healthy fat.
I was very apprehensive before apixoban, but after 8 months I can say it has had no adverse effects. I was so gentle I panicked once it wasn’t having any effect on me! Sadly I put on weight if I look at a photo of food😐! Soo not really able to give a good answer on that
I had no problems with Apixaban and the medics could cope, even after a fairly serious injury.
I blame Bisoprolol for making me depressed and plenty of other people have reported a range of side effects. Probably lots of people take it without trouble too! If it doesn't agree with you after you've given it a fair trial, talk to your medics. My cardiologist said they have other drugs they can use. Bisoprolol is usually the one they start with. They switched me to Diltiazem which suits me much better.
No problems with Apixiban been taking it now for 2 & half years. Bisoprolol I'm not so sure about. Been on that 9 months and probably does contribute to weight gain in my opinion as it seems to slow down the whole body's systems
I'm very sensitive to all meds but not had any problems with Apixaban and Bisoprolol didn't cause any weight gain when I was on it previously, I'm currently back on it and losing weight which is not good as I'm to thin 😕
Can only write on Apixaban. Apart from occasional slight headaches, which may or may not be down to the drug. No side effects at all. Biggest danger I understand and to be avoideded, bangs to the head. As if you wouldn't anyway!
I am fine on apixaban no problems at all. I couldn't tolerate bisoprolol and many other similar medications and eventually they found that low dose digoxin worked better for me. However, even after I reverted back to AF after having cardioversions whihc lasted in the first instance just short of a year and second after 4 months, they didn't put me back on the digoxin or any other so just on apixaban. Still in NSR a month post third cardioversion. The only way you will know how you personally are going to react is to try and if you get any problems ask your Docs advice about whether or not to come off and try something else. For elective cardioversion they like you to be on apixaban for about a month prior to the procedure.
Apixaban made me more tired than usual for the first couple of months, but that gradually went and for the last year I’ve had no problems with it. Bisoprolol, on the other hand, is evil! I didn’t put on weight but it messed with my head and made me extremely tired - I took it for quite a few years before discovering there was a choice of medication.
I have been taking apixiban for 2years , never have had a problem with it. Have taken bisoprolol in the past and it really did not suit me, never felt with it. But after having abalation last august, have been left with a very bad groin pain after sitting, even have to limp about for a while. Anyone had this problem?
On it for three years; no side effects and no weight gain.