Suppose to start taking Eliquis for Afib, I would appreciate all input on the drug, I’m scared to start
New to Eliquis: Suppose to start taking... - Atrial Fibrillati...
New to Eliquis

I’ve been on Apixaban (Eliquis) for a number of years with absolutely no problems taking it nor fears - my fear is having a stroke so if you have AF then you will reduce your risk of stroke by taking an anticoagulant.
Can you identify exactly are you fearful of? Many people starting on DOACs are fearful of bleeding - which is I think comes from the idea that anticoagulants - ‘thin the blood’ - which people calling them blood thinners doesn’t help! Anticoagulants DO NOT affect the viscosity of blood.
The modern anticoagulants have a very short half life 12 hours, which is why you will take every 12 hours. You should be monitored for any liver or kidney dysfunction - usually every 6-12 months, otherwise carry on as normal. A normal cut or wound may bleed for a little longer than it used to and require pressure for longer but we are talking a few minutes.
A&E depts have procedures to cater for people on A/Cs in an emergency and the only issue I would have is if you hit your head severely then good idea to get checked out but wouldn’t we anyway? Maybe a good idea to carry ID that identifies you as taking A/Cs - some wear jewellery, personally I carry a card in my wallet and have all the details of my medical history on my Emergency ID on my iPhone which Emergency Responders should know how to access.
If you have any doubts about the seriousness of taking anticoagulants as a prophylactic for AF induced stroke then head to the AFA website and read the literature and the studies and watch the video.

Can't add much to CDreamer's post other than to say you are not taking Eliquis for AF. You are taking it to reduce the increased risk of stroke which AF gives you. Be glad that this risk is understood and that you have been properly diagnosed.
All I can say is that I was keen to take anticoagulants to reduce my stroke risk(strong family history of stroke and AF)
I was refused as it was considered I only scored a 1 on the Chadsvac system(a scale used by medics) for being a female.
After I had a suspected TIA( mini stroke) I was rapidly put on Apixaban,and was heartily glad to do so! No problems at all,been on 2 years now.
The main worry for me ,and most Af and Aflutter members is stroke risk reduction.
I recently banged my head very hard and was advised to check it out at hospital,but thats sensible advice even if you are not on anticoagulants!
Hope this has reassured you,
Please do NOT be scared to take Eliquis, but you should be very scared if you don’t. I have taken it for over 4 years without any problems.....

Ok I will
I take it and have no side affects nor had any problems during a major stomach op this year. I don’t want a stroke... I was a little worried at first but don’t even think about it now.
Been on it two years, no problem at all still play five a side had numerous knocks and bruises, it reduces stroke risk by 75 % so my strong advice would be get on it asap, it also has a lower bleeding risk than other anticoagulants.

Thank you, I’m taking it now, have you ever dealt with a nose bleed, if so how did you stop it?
Like Wilsond, I too was refused anticoagulants with a Chadsvasc score of 1 when diagnosed just before my 65th Birthday which put it up to 2, & it took a private appointment with a a cardiologist to get the GP to prescribe Apixaban. I’ve been on it with no problems for 18 months.
I would be much more worried about the stroke risk of not being anticoagulated - please take the tablets.
Pat x
No I haven’t, I’ve had no problems at all, but a few people have posted on the subject recently.
Pat x
I was absolutely terrified to take it ... l cried ... felt depressed and awful the first few days. Now l feel better than l did before starting it ..l and l have noticed other benefits. I have been on it for a few months.
Yes! My hair is falling out like crazy ... l am sooooo upset because l have thick long hair. I am taking biotin and other things but nothing seems to help ... any tips?
I heard maybe Brazil Nuts, I haven’t had that happen yet and I hope it doesn’t happen, do you have bald spots or is just a little thinner