I’ve been on Flecinaide for over 2 years, first diagnosed with AF in 2013, twice daily 100mg. I’d been cardioverted twice and after the last cardioversion in 2016 I enquired about other options to keep AF at bay. My original Heart Specialist wouldn’t put me on Flecinaide as said too many side effects, so I switched Specialists. New specialist put me on them , about 2 months after last cardioversion while I was still in SR, and hadn’t had AF since. Beginning this year heart started to do weird things : slow shallow beats, then big beats, Eptopic beats regularly (but NOT AF),so , went to specialist with my concerns , he suggested (guesses)” maybe” my heart reacting to Flecinaide, halved the dose and recommended an Cryo Ablation . Had ablation in May 2019 by different specialists in Brisbane.
Within a few days recovering from the proceedure , lots of Eptopic beats for a week or so then things really started to settle down and I felt good ! Was recommended to wait a few months till AFTER ablation to stop the Flecinaide , which I did in September .
3 nights after last Flecinaide pill, things start to happen , felt hot, BP went up from 119/70 ( usual) to 160/95 , felt “off” , lots of Eptopic beats but no AF. Considered going to hospital , but then decided to take an AF pill to see what happens , as believed it was my heart reacting to coming off the Flecinaide . Within 30-45 mins BP wtarts slowly going down , next morning still higher reading than normal but better than night before and next day after re-starting Flecinaide back up things back to normal .
Feel once your body is on Flecinaide it becomes addicted , trying to come off it with my case , seems my heart either didn’t like the idea or maybe AF was trying to come back . Should mention AF didn’t come back , but other things certainly happening .
Since the episode after stopping Flecinaide , I noticed my vision wasn’t as good, so seems what ever happened to my heart that night it affected blood flow maybe and effected my vision . Still getting eptopics , had increased dosage 3 days ago but no improvement , so “maybe” either I’m not taking enough , or maybe my heart isn’t liking the increase , even though It almost seem it couldn’t live with out it .
And what’s my specialists take on this ? Not much !! ( probably cos he simply doesn’t know what’s going on) , suggests to “wait” till things settle properly and then try again to come off the Flecinaide more slowly ( which he didn’t recommend in the first place, just said to come of it cold turkey ). Two weeks now after that “episode” from coming off Flecinaide , still getting eptopics, vision not back to normal.
If I could do it all again , I probably would have optioned for the Ablation while I was still in AF, and kept away from the flecinaide . It may be medicine and help but it’s still all poison we’re putting into our body .
Note- Ablation was done while I was in SR, and I believe a basic ablation was done with a “let’s see what happens “ view - not happy about that , but it does line the surgeons pocket more if I have to come back for round two .