It will be two months tomorrow since my ablation and apart form the odd skipped or double beat within the first week or two my heart has felt tip-top and regular.
This morning though, just after breakfast, I felt a strange but familiar feeling in my chest so checked my pulse to see what was going on. My heart beat wasn't irregular but instead I was getting three regular beats then a missed beat (/\_/\_/\___/\_/\_/\___/\_/\_/\___) and this went on for about five minutes.
It did settle down and return to normal for an hour or so, but I'm now getting missed beats on a fairly regular basis as in, five beats - pause - three beats - pause - eight beats - pause - it feels like the AF is trying to break through again!
After my ablation I was told that AF can come back during the first six months and that it could just be due to the heart healing and will more than likely pass. I mentally told myself that if it did come back during this time then I wouldn't stress or worry about it, but now it's here I feel stressed and a bit low
I might well message my EP and see what he says.