Hey everyone!
Hope you’re all doing okay. I’m coming up to three months since my ablation, so thought I’d give an update & ask a couple of questions. The advice on here is invaluable!
Things are generally going well - I managed a short spell back at work on light duties at end of July but now it’s the hols (I’m a teacher). Had follow-up with cardiologist who was generally happy but thought my rate was a bit high still so I had a 72hr lifecard monitor on last week. Not had results yet. I’ve had a few very short AF episodes but I think I’ve mostly been in NSR which is amazing compare to before the ablation! 😊
Anyway, I wanted to ask if anyone has experienced continued heartburn/chest discomfort post-ablation? I took omeprozole for 4 weeks immediately after the op, and was okay but it started up again so cardiologist gave me another month of them which I’ll finish this week. Trouble is, I still keep getting this feeling almost like having a lump in my throat which I guess is heartburn related but it’s still happening!
I can’t quite put my finger on how it feels but it’s not quite right! Just wondering if anyone else had had similar. Also, my resting HR is now around 80. It used to be 55-60 before ablation. Hopefully it’ll come down. If I do anything it shoots up to over 100 so goodness knows what it’ll be like once I’m back at school!
Sorry for long post - but as always, any replies for anyone are greatly appreciated.
Thank you. 😊