Hello everyone.. I haven't posted an update on here for ages.. sorry.
Had my ablation in June last year and have been doing really well since then. Moved house (and country) got a new job and everything. Not so much as a flicker from my heart in that time. Came off all the meds apart from ACs.
Just recently though, I've been getting the odd run of 'flutters' maybe one every few days! Only last a few seconds and then all is fine. It's been happening for a week or two.
Really worried the AF going to kick off again and will be back in meds and looking at a 2nd ablation..
Trying to convince myself it's stress related as I am about to loose my job (got another lined up already though), Christmas and my 50th birthday coming up.. The flutters started shortly after I was told about my job and after I had a Hernia repair operation.
Is this something to be expected? The EP said it would probably return at some point, but 20 months it toooo soon!!
Stay well