Hi I have been feeling fluttering in my chest for a while. 45 yr male, management role & 75kgs. The Cardiologists have described it as frequent atrial and ventricular ectopic. On reviewing my data, it did race upwards at times (100+) but the issue seems to be the inconsistent Ectopic/AF beats and usually well below 100bpm. Most commonly occurred in the BPM 60- 80's. All hospital tests ok (bloods, ultrasound, stress test and MRI). Medications via Cardiologist: Vasocardol (calcium blocker) and Flecainide 50mg to 75mg 2X a day. (I tried beta blocker Metoprolol but found it to be incredibly sedative so we swapped to a calcium channel blocker which has helped to allow me have higher energy levels). Heart seems to work better with the meds and if I dial down the medication it comes back. Below is the image of my ECG. I could certainty feel it! I would really appreciate to hear if anyone has an idea about this ECG. Thank you so much for contributing.
NB Updated since original post to provide the professional image of the ECG