is pulse in the lower 50's something to worry about after and ablation 3 wks ago
Post ablation: is pulse in the lower 5... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Post ablation
Not really, are you on any meds? they may be slowing things down.
I was quite happy in the high 40s, but when I went in to the low 30's felt dreadful !
Not a problem, especially if you are feeling OK. If you are still taking betablockers or calcium channel blockers as Mikee says, they will lower your rate but don’t be tempted to change your dose without discussing with your doctor.....
It sounds from your question that this is something new for you. My understanding is that resting heart rate usually goes up after ablation, mine certalnly did. Unless you started rate lowering medication after your ablation, I would discuss this with the arrhythmia nurse.
I was warned that HR could also drop following an ablation, and that it may require a pacemaker if it dropped too low
I suffered the same, pulse went to 36 overnight and 42 during day just 1 week after ablation. Doc said it was not unusual and took me off all drugs (Biso and Dig) except Rivaroxiban yesterday, pules rate increasing, now mainly in low 60s but does on occasion drop to low 40s for a time. I would talk to Doc about it.
My HR went higher post ablation despite a beta resting rate is now 10 points higher. Sitting here typing and rate is 91... pulse was 100 in DR office two days ago and she wasn't worried as EKG pre surgery was fine. Doesn't make me feel off, just really odd to have that kind of rate without exertion. This is US numbers so thinking numeric system is different>
Yes talk to your dr or nurse. my best to you