Wondering what information people can share about afib and THC edibles? My afib events have almost all been linked to alcohol. I've stopped drinking completely. But I wonder if I can use edibles to relax while friends drink? Any experience with this?
Afib and THC Edibles : Wondering what... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Afib and THC Edibles

They don't create events for me but neither does reasonable amounts of alcohol.
On the negative side, they take about an hour to kick in. Also, I try to be very cautious about dosage because too much can take me from relaxation to anxiety and anxiety can create AFib events.
Having written the above, the Brits who are the majority on this forum will probably have no idea what we're talking about.
Please enlighten us 😀
Ooh, I think we might!
well tell us CD. Is it like the old ginger bread cake we used to make?
Or the chocolate cookies.........
Oh the memories! Helped me to ski so well but not had them since 1977.
1995 for me - I sailed so well the next day .......happy days.
The edibles that can be purchased in stores today in several of the states are so much stronger than anything any of us experienced in the last century. I can get melo on about 1/10 of what's supposed to be a dose. Much more than that will either put me to sleep or make me anxious depending on whether it's indica or sativa based.
Oh I think you'd be surprised what us Brits get up to. 😉
😂 my first experience was in Holland hysterical laughing that l couldn't stop then playing piano thought l was Beethoven, Mozart and Handel reincarnated...
The Moroccan experiences were far the best!
So it wasnt completely true that Alcohol and coffee were the only culprits for my AF..Selective memory syndrome in play here..

The cannabis man had stalls in many markets in Morocco demonstrating making tea and other things with it.
A readers letter in the last weeks Eastbourne Herald was complaining about the smell of it in Terminus Road. Once speaking to my GP about it for pain relief he said there's no shortage of it in this town.
Even the lesser alternative CBD is now under threat from the Food Standards people.
Hi l don't find it an offensive smell in comparison to cigarette smoke..
CBD oil over counter is a waste of space as not in therapeutic range...From Holland 5% yes but expensive...Here to get on NHS has to be authorised by a consultant but hopefully this will change sooner rather than later..

25 years ago next week since I stopped smoking cigarettes. At £11+ for twenty how can anyone afford it ? When I started in 1954 they were the equivalent of 18p a packet and people were complaining that a recent budget had added 7p to the price. After that in those carefree days the government gave pensioners a book of coupons with a 7p a week one to use. To help them or to kill them off I leave it to you.
When in Grammer school a few of us would club together and buy 5 Woodbines and a box of matches shopkeeper didn't question we were only 12....Teachers or parents never found us out either...

They were in an open ender paper packet.
Is it ok with all the meds we have to take?

NO - certainly not with the ones I take! We have no idea how they would interact. I agree the stuff around today is so much stronger. All my experiences were pre AF. I have a lot of friends who use it for other conditions - mostly pain.
My first experience was also in Holland - do they still have those ‘coffee’ shops?
In Weert they do..😉
What are THC edibles?