Does anyone take an antidepressant with AFIB? If so, which one? My afib has caused major depression which I never had before. Thank you.
Antidepressents and AFIB: Does anyone... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Antidepressents and AFIB

I can't help you I'm afraid, but I am sure there is someone out there who can. Very sorry you are suffering from depression.
I have been given Sertraline, but as yet not started to take it, awaiting call from GP, but I contacted my Cardiolagist and he said it would be good for me to start taking it.
Hope my reply is of some use
I struggled with depression and anxiety in 2009 and it took a few years to come out of it. Sometimes the black dog is still there but I haven't been medicated for 7 years (though I came close when my marriage broke down)
I can't remember what I was on back then, but I also wasn't an AFibber.
In recent years, I've been on a low dose of amitriptyline but that was more for the night time waking as a result of knee pain rather than for its antidepressant proprerties, though it did provide relaxation enough to sleep and stay asleep without aching leg.
I was recently changed from a calcium channel blocker to Bisopropol and experienced really bad anxiety / depression. I have now changed to Atenalol and feel much better. I understand from things I have read on here that the opposite can apply so this may be something to look at.
Having suffered some moderate depression early this year I sympathise with you. Mine too bought on by anxiety and loss I think. I nor my GP wanted to prescribe antidepressants and I was sent for a 6 weekly sessions of CBT which I found very helpful, also trying mindfulness and relaxation. I now it is a horrible place to be and at the time feels like you’ll never feel well again but you will. Take each day as it comes, try to get some CBT, keep busy. Hope this helps.
I have permanent AT and am on bisoprolol. I suffer from periodic anxiety and depression and have been prescribed Fluoxetine (prozac). It took a few weeks to kick in and has helped take the edge off things. No noticeable side effects.
I have been prescribed them by my gp due to anxiety To present I haven't taken them I really don't like taking any medication.I did do silver cloud on line and found it helpful My doctor referred me for it I was prescribed sertraline 50mg
Thank you.
I take Celexa (Citalopram). It can apparently have very serious interactions with sotalol. But my doctor said to go ahead and take it and I have not had any problems.
I was taking sertraline but recently had to stop because it is dangerous to take it if you need to take tramadol for pain relief which I do.
Sometimes l feel sad and a bit depressed ... today l am as happy as a lark! It’s the medication! If you are taking medication for afib, it can cause ups and downs.
I struggled with anxiety/depression pre a fib, but my anxiety amped up when a fib started over 2 yr ago. I asked for antidepressant when I found myself crying for no obvious reason. With my EP approval, I took sertraline( zoloft) and it helped me tremendously with both anxiety and depression. Over time, I learned how to meditate, relaxation, healthier eating and started exercising. Now Ive learned a fib isnt as scary as it was and I dont need the antidepressant. As with all meds, there are pro's and con's. Antidepressants in general can interfere with some antiarrhythmic and anticoagulant meds. My EP felt if was safe for me to go ahead and take .

Thank you. Do you live in the USA? If so where and who is your doctor?