How long does Apixaban 5mg stay it 12 hrs.
Can Apixaban affect hearing?
How long does Apixaban 5mg stay it 12 hrs.
Can Apixaban affect hearing?
The half life is about 12 hours, so it is taken twice daily. Why do you ask?
You need to see an audiologist for your deafness which you described previously as sudden onset. Was it complete?
I only take 1pill a day, at night, l know l should
take 2 but l cannot function otherwise. I take
nothing else, my BP is stable, l am 71yrs of age
and want to enjoy as much quality time as poss.
So if 1 pill will do the job l can cope with that.
What on earth stops you functioning taking the correct dose of anticoagulant.? You will function far less well with a stroke. Unless your doctors have approved this change I would seriously reconsider.
Hello are right. I'm just new to all this
and feel l've aged 10yrs in 4months. But a stroke
would be worse. I'll just need to take the side
effects...maybe l will adjust in time. Thank you
for giving me a shake-up.
What side effects do you feel Apixaban is giving you?
It starts working about an hour after you take it and 12 hours after that it is at about half effectiveness, so it doesn't suddenly stop working after 12 hours.
As BobD says, really not a good idea to arbitrarily change the prescribed dose of your anticoagulant as the consequences could be seriously life changing. On a positive note, Apixaban is probably one of the more popular DOAC’s and we rarely hear of any issues regarding side effects so hopefully anything you are experiencing will soon subside. Recovering from a stroke is far, far more challenging!
Hello Snnapdragon,
I would be interested to know more about the side effects you are having from Apixaban and would urge you to take the correct dose.
On starting Apixaban 2x 5mg/day, I soon experienced headaches and throbbing pain in my neck and shoulder which disrupted my sleep. I persevered with the same dose and fortunately the pain subsided after a couple of weeks. I’ve been taking it for almost a year now without any noticeable side effects.
Best wishes,
I have permanent Afib which started last year after an
accident, although l have suffered from depression for a
while due to family problems. I am on Apixaban...can l
survive on this alone as l cannot think about anything else.
My GP seems to think l can. Is anyone else just on