I've had my Apixaban reduced from 5mg to 2.5mg, since this reduction I have had quite a lot of headaches. I tried to contact my GP, it would be easier to contact the Prime Minister. I do have other issues HBP, but it has remained stable for once. I also take Bisoprolol and a whole lot of other meds which I have been on for 4 years (kidney transplant). Has anyone else been bothered with headaches whilst on Apixaban.
Apixaban: I've had my Apixaban reduced... - Atrial Fibrillati...

I think any change in medication can be a little stressful. I'm wondering if the reduction has concerned you somewhat, which would explain the headaches. I may be barking up the wrong tree entirely.
Oh dear - that is worrying. How long has this been happening and how bad is the headache?
I've just switched to apixaban from rivaroxaban and haven't noticed any side effects at all, thankfully. I haven't read that headaches are an issue, either. Don't you have any kind of walk-in centre where you could go instead of your GP? I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't find anything, though, as headaches are such a general and common symptom.
Life with our NHS is dreadful at present for some.
Thank you for your concern, I have an appointment in two weeks time for kidney function blood tests and I will mention the headaches then. Meanwhile I will still pester for a GP appointment before then but I did have blood tests done two weeks ago which were fine.
I have to have a similar blood test done every six months. I think it's because in rare cases these anticoagulants can affect the liver and kidneys. Let's hope the headaches are just your body re-adjusting to the new levels of drug in your blood stream. I gather that many aren't able to pass through into the brain, but that these ones do, so that would make sense, I suppose?
Firstly, I have taken Apixaban for many years (full normal dose) and have never experienced any headaches. Generally, the reasons for reducing the dose relate to weight and/or age and sometimes changes in the kidney function. As I understand it, Apixaban does not adversely affect the kidneys. However, because they are the means by which the body discharges unwanted chemicals and given that you have had a kidney transplant, you really should seek proper medical advice. If your kidneys are still monitored and you have access to the team who treated you, it would certainly be a good idea to contact them for their views. As has been said, this is probably a stressful time for you and the headaches will probably subside as your body adjusts but I would have thought your GP would agree to blood tests to check your kidney function. These are required every 6 months for older patients taking Apixaban.

Thank you for replying. I had blood tests done two weeks ago at the Renal Clinic and according to my consultant the results were excellent. Blood tests(kidney function) will be done again in two weeks time by my local surgery so hopefully I will get an appointment with my GP before then. Thank you for your concern.
Great news, I was nervous about mentioning it!
Maybe speak to your pharmacist before going down the route of GO or cardiologist
Try drinking more. I find headaches usually respond to a large glass of water.
All the best.
I changed to Edoxaban and all had been non problematic since .