Is anyone taking apixaban for reasons other than being in afib or in event of returning to AF?
Apixaban : Is anyone taking apixaban... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Yes, I want to reduce the chance of having a stroke.
Yes, because I want to reduce the chance of stroke and have a pacemaker.
I've had an ablation .. going in for analysis in a month or so for some final possible minor ablation with installation of a Watchman Device in the Left Atrial Appendage. After that, I'll probably take apixaban for 4 to 6 more months (the EP tells me) then, I can stop completely for good.
I have had three ablation procedures, the last one nearly ten years ago. After the last ablation I experienced an occasional ectopic episode, but for the last four or five years I have been symptom free. Until January this year I hade been taking warfarin, but requested a change to one of the alternative anti-coagulant drugs and my GP agreed to switch me to Edoxaban, which I believe is similar to apixaban. The main benefit is I no long have to make periodic visits to the surgery for INR tests and I gave no problems with Edoxaban, which I have been advised to take daily for the rest of my life.
Are you thinking dvt/pulmonary embolism?
As James said it’s used fir DVT and other clots and also after orthopaedic surgery to prevent clots
I'm on rivaroxaban, another anticoagulant, despite being in NSR as far as I know for the last 14 months after 9 months of persistent AF - the cardiologist recommended staying on it, as she said I might be going into AF at times, without knowing it - which would increase my stroke risk.
Hi Karrog, I recently had a heart attack and a stent fitted. They have found a strong possibility of a small blood clot in my heart so I have started Apixaban today . Jo x
Hello Karrog my son (in his 30s) took Apixaban for 6 months for what began as a DVT in his calf and became a pulmonary embolism .
I was diagnoses with AF soon afterwards so decided Apixaban would be my anticoagulant of choice too as my son had no problems when taking it.
Hi karrogI was initially put on Apixaban for a pulmonary embolism following orthopaedic surgery. Then when the cardiologist rang to tell me I had AF he said he wanted me to stay on it long term. I’m now going for ablation in three weeks and the EP has asked me to keep taking it for now.