Are there any actual foods or drinks to avoid when on apixaban
Apixaban: Are there any actual foods or... - Atrial Fibrillati...

The only one that springs to mind is grapefruit juice and grapefruit, but others my have other thoughts. Purposely not mentioning alcohol as you have already raised that issue....
I was told to avoid St John’s Wort or anything containing it.
Also Aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen.

Adding to Finvola's post you should never have ibuprofen as it is a known cause of AF.
I’ve never restricted anything - including grapefruit and alcohol but I thought it was grapefruit juice that interacted? Never had any problems.
I seem to remember hospital saying all was OK Think warfaring is that and greens
Wafarin is a Vit K antagonist so any food with high concentrations of Vit K will affect the efficacy of Wafarin.
Apixaban works very differently so is not generally affected by foods.
ibuprofen was my downfall 100 per cent i was in good health before i took it for a nagging foot pain
Imy not a pill person due to bad reaction years ago .Only thing I use to take was paracetamol. Would never have used ibprofen gel if I had known I end up like I have .Makes me feel like I have only myself to blame now.
Yes i am the same never taken pills but i train and play football
should have rested my foot with PF but could not wait 6 weeks of ibuprofen big mistake they should ban it completely i take homeopathic remedies now to keep me in check i hope you are coping OK and we will keep looking for a cure it will come soon as more people are unlucky and getting this blip in there lives
I was on that for my arm and shoulder which I hurt in work Then my high BP was found then my AF
Been on Apixiban for two years....i am not aware of restrictions concerning food and I personally haven't had any issues...but to be honest i cannot recall fallung out with any calories lol.
A word about cinnamon. There are actually 2 kinds: True cinnamon and a similar tree bark called cassia. Both are marketed as cinnamon-which I love. The cassia 'cinnamon' is the cheapest and is what you get when you buy regular cinnamon powder. The cassia which, because it's much cheaper, would be, in my opinion, the one used for commercial baking. It is very high in coumarin which is a powerful anticoagulant if not used in moderation. Several years ago someone brought a large container of mini cinnamon rolls to my house and (embarassed to say) I 'pigged' out on them with several cups of coffee. I was still taking warfarin and well-controlled. Three days later after the cinnamon roll fiasco my INR was so elevated I had to hold doses for almost a week to get back inline. I know apixaban works differently but it might be worth your while to google foods that have anticoagulant effects. I know several spices do, and also garlic cloves. I don't think all the answers are out there yet re the NOAC's etc. so I'd check out the foods. I have no willpower where cinnamon is concerned. LOL

Oh.... a container of mini cinnamon rolls would tempt me to pig out too!! I didn’t know about the coumarin level differences in the types of cinnamon! Fascinating. Found this in a research article “Cassia cinnamon contains up to 1% coumarin, whereas true cinnamon contains only a trace, about 0.004%” ( I’m not taking warfarin, but still interesting to know.
As everyone knows, in January I had a Watchman device fitted so I could get off anticoagulants (warfarin for me). That was dc'd in March; now on Plavix and Aspirin til July. I believe in doing as much with foods as possible.Once my tapering ends just for extra protection I plan to regularly use these spices to help from forming clots 'just in case'. Here in the states the protocol is to stay on a baby aspirin indefinitely which I don't want to do so plan to talk about adding spices like cinnamon and turmeric and garlic to add another layer of protection from natural sources. I think my EP will understand and give me a chance to do this my way and without Big Pharma meds. Will finish my taper off Plavix at the end of July. At that time I will also add Vit E daily. I was told not to take it all the time I was on Coumadin. I'm very lucky to have an Electrophysiologist who 'thinks outside the box.' LOL PS Maybe eating more spices like this would give all of us some extra protection against strokes. And cinnamon sure tastes better than pills! 😊

I'm with you! Probably good for us and just makes food more fun. I'm really impressed with your dr. I'm sure I'd never even get mine to discuss food choices, let alone spices. But I"m all for it. There was a time when my husband was on a big turmeric kick, we each kept buying bottles of it, they'd disappear into the back of the closet, I'd buy more. When we moved house 3 years ago, I found sooooo many bottles! Could have gone into a curry business.
I just buy the spices-organic- as I understand they are not irradiated. I use turmeric a lot-chicken salad, esp-and I looked up dosages. Even 1/4-1/2 teasp of Turmeric powder is enough daily to help. And garlic cloves are wonderful for the blood. There is a fairly common recipe over here-been around for years- called "Chicken with 40 cloves of garlic". I don't think you actually have to have 40 cloves but if you're roasting a whole chicken just throw in a ton of peeled clove to roast along or throw them in the cavity. . The cloves get soft enough to spread and taste wonderful with the chicken. (I'm beginning to sound like a cooking show!) If you're still eating bread, spread roasted garlic on that. Yum.

Chicken w 40 cloves of garlic! Yes, have made that tool yum! love slow roasted garlic, spread on crusty bread. Wish my husband liked it too. 😂
I know. The first rule of garlic and onions is you both have to eat it so it doesn't blow the other person out of the water! LOL😊
I don't avoid anything including alcohol. Have never had any problems and my recent routine blood results were all fine. I have never been advised to avoid anything due to being on apixaban. Hope that is right though!!!! Best wishes x
Probably I tent to let info go in one ear and out the other me Then I panic Well I panic all the time which doesn't help Husband thinks I should get on with things and if it happens it happens
Easy to say, harder to do! 😊
Is it okay to have the spice cumin with this drug