I recall reading somewhere that it’s possible to strengthen the Vagus nerve. Does anyone know how to do this? V crucial for digestion and AF I believe.
Vagus nerve: I recall reading somewhere... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Vagus nerve

It transmits a lot of signals for a lot of functions, not heard of anything "strengthening" related as such though there are articles out there for stimulating it or "flexing it" through deep breathing and relaxation techniques. These help with anxiety/panic attacks so the same could be applied when in AF.
Hi Elaine
I've read that humming can strengthen the vagal nerve. I remember afterwards I went around humming all the time. Will do so again now that you've jogged my memory. The meditation chant ohmmmm sound is very good too.
You can strengthen your vagal tone - not affect the physiology. It’s about changing how your body responds - as in cold water shock. My son is an instructor and teaches children how to jump into cold water - safely!
Improving vagal tone is similar - you will find a small book on Kindle called - Improve your vagal tone.
Personally I worked with this by
1. Slow breathing techniques - great place to start.
2. Using a power breather - atheletes nearly all use this device which strengthens intercostal muscles and aids breathing to increase O2 saturation.
3. Cold showers - after a warm not hot shower - change the control to cold. Cold shower is also great for countering jet lag.
4. Splash cold water on your face.
5. Daily Mindfulness practice - great one for digestion is Minful eating.
I found the best way to actually demonstrate this is the HeartMath device as you can actually see the effect of slow breathing changing your variable heart rate or HRV which is an indicator of vagal tone. The Kardia used to show it but unfortunately it seemed to upset and confuse some people so they removed that feature - much to the annoyance of the atheletes who used it.
You will the medical fraternity hardly ever mention it however physiotherapists and sports coaches work with it to improve atheletes performance so if you want detailed information - look there.
Improving vagal tone has helped me greatly and not only for AF.
Very interested in the power breather you mention as my O2 saturation is often low during the day and I expect at night also, I think due to Upper Airways Restrictive syndrome - can I ask do you use the PB just for swimming or at other times?
It’s just a small device you use daily as an exerciser.
Ultrabreath adjustable - costs about £12 from all good shopping platforms - sorry I can’t give you a link without opening my account page.p but I am sure you know what I mean 😉

Strengthen is not a word I would associate with nerves Elaine but there are exercises which can relax them. Deep diaphragmic breathing (search ectopic breathing exercise) is one such exercise. My Bowen practitioner also does things to calm the vagus which has helped me from time to time.
This is how I first learned about vagal tone and I bought this device back in 2007 and still use it as it is the only device that gives you direct biofeedback on vagal tone.
I am not sure you can strengthen the VN but maybe making it less likely to wobble due to it being over sensitive is the same thing. Also, I do a Qigong exercise which strengthens the neck and tummy muscles and I feel that is doing good - maybe taking pressure of the VN, particularly in the neck.
HEAL YOUR VAGUS NERVE, HEAL YOURSELF: A Guide to Enhancing Vagus Nerve Function By Lucy Hoyd may help it’s available to download on kindle or just search vagus nerve on the amazon site in books there are many to choose from.
Thank you Sportscoach. V helpful