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Think I got AF??

Denzil28 profile image
12 Replies

Hi, I just joined after finding and reading some interesting posts, that seem to be more help than the doctors. I’m 44 and had moment when my heart had the usual palpitation of beating fast and hard for about 5 minutes before I manage to stop it with controlled breathing techniques I learned along the way from the first one I had when I was 16. Over the years it’s slowly got more frequent but as I’ve been managing it I haven’t been to the doctors since I was 16 and was told to sit down and put my thumbs in my eyes. After the first go I thought the doctor was an idiot and then decided to not use a doctor since. So in Aug 18 I had one of these moments but after an hour of it beating in a different pattern and not hard and fast as usual for 5 minutes I took myself to A&E. They seemed to think I have AF, have me an aspirin, and a box of Bisoprolol and sent me home after my HR dropped below 100. 5 months later I’ve now got a mental problem where I’m struggling to find sense. Is the tablets Bisoprolol causing me to feel so tired, lethargic, lost interest in everything and everyone, avoiding contact with phone calls, avoiding contact with people in general and just happy to be sitting on the sette in the warm dozing in and out of sleep on my own. Or have I always had those symptoms but the tablets have exaggerated them because I’ve ad the AF since 16 and not known it, has AF affected my energy levels through my life explaining why I couldn’t do activities like my mates, why I couldn’t be bothered to go out or help around the house causing my parents to call me lazy? It’s put me in a position where I feel a bit lost at sea. Anyway I thought I got do something in mid December, I tired for a week for a doctors appointment, too busy so the best they could offer was phone call. Doctor explained over the phone “tablets are too small a dose, but what you explain are your symptoms are side effects, don’t worry about it” and that was it! Now I’ve taken to pay for counselling to try and unlock the answer I’m looking for there but will take time, but I’ve been steared by the counsellor back to the doctor to try and change my tablets. So I got a appointment, went back and was told that Bisoprolol is not a Beta Blocker, I don’t have any side affect symptoms and there is no other tablet to try. Just when I thought I had found the solution to my continuing thoughts I was shot down immediately. So having read some of your posts I have seen I am not the only one struggling. Sorry for the my first post to be so long, feels good to get it out to some people that may understand.

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Denzil28 profile image
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12 Replies
jeanjeannie50 profile image

Hi Denzil and welcome to the forum.

Every symptom that you have mentioned is typical of AF. Bisoprolol is a beta blocker and it can make you feel very lethargic, what dose are you on? I would recommend that you consult another doctor if your's has told you otherwise and there are lots of other pills to try.

When in my 40's, I always wondered why I never had the stamina of friends. I joined a cycling club and was always last, did cross country running and was last there too. After an attack of AF it can leave you feeling washed out for days. What I can tell you though, after having been diagnosed for 14 years, having three ablations and numerous cardioversions, is that it's very unlikely to kill you. I have no medical training, but lots of experience with AF.

Changing to a plant based diet and avoiding food additives can really help, and people speak well regarding how magnesium taurate or citrate tablets can really reduce their symptoms.

Have you read any of the documents, I put links to in my forum post earlier this week.

Feel free to ask any questions and always remember that there's no such thing as a daft one.

Wishing you well.


Bagrat profile image

Hi and welcome. I can understand your concerns re the medical treatment you have had. I am pleased you have sought the help of a counsellor too to help you get your head round things. Not sure how old you are now?

Do have a look at the main AFA website where there are loads of info about AF and leaflet about bisoprolol which is a beta blocker but used particularly to help with heart.

The side effects you describe of tiredness, fatigue etc are very common.

I can't cope with it at all and many others will agree. Are the pills stopping the episodes of irregular heart beat for you?

It is difficult to fight your corner especially when your mental health is affected too. I would be inclined to see your GP again and ask for a referral to a cardiologist ( if possible an electrophysiologist they specialize in heart rhythym problems) this will help you work out what is going on

Hello Denzil! Oh my word - you have come to the right place. There is plenty of information here that will help you, though I think you need a doctor who, unlike the ones you've seen, may improve things for you.

You may have AF but there are other possibilities like flutter or tachycardia. When you mention your heart beating in a different pattern, was your pulse irregular?

Beta blockers end in -olol and Bisoprolol is one. It's loved by doctors with patients who have AF, less loved by those who take it. There are alternatives, but Bisoprolol is the doctors' favourite. Some people take as much as 10mgs per day. Lots of people seem to split their dose and take it twice a day.

There's more to say but I'll leave it to someone else.

Mickent profile image

Hi Densil

I took Bisoprolol for years and had the exact same side effects that you describe, I reduced the dose from 7.5 mg to 2.5mg and still felt the same, I changed from Bisoprolol to Metoprolol and now have a bit more energy and feel I want to do more than I did before, but I still feel tired all the time. I can remember that feeling of not wanting to get up from the settee and feeling exhausted buy just talking to people. I loved the peace and quiet of my own company.

Check out the web page called "Bisoprolol Buddies" and you will see loads of people are experiencing the same side effects as you.

Best regards


Denzil28 profile image

Thanks for all your advice and help. I’m only on 1.25 MG a day. I’m not sure what I have as I am waiting for the results of my ecg, 24hr tape and ultrasound scan which was about 3 months ago. I still get the rapid beating moments even though I’m on the Bisoprolol, it generally happens when I bend down to pick something up and feel anxious about something. It can beat so hard it gets a struggle to breath properly. But in August what made me go to a&e was an irregular beating pattern that I hadn’t had before. And lasted over an hour. I’ll see what the doctor says when I go back Thursday, if she’s way off I’ll try another. I feel lucky to find this helpful website so I’ll be sure to have a read through the week, I’m also trying to change my habits to try and get a full nights sleep. No on the phone time after 7:30 pm in evenings. Otherwise I’m a wait most the night. I’ll have a look at the food diet to. Thanks for your advice 👍

fibber-me profile image
fibber-me in reply to Denzil28

Hi Denzil,

I am sorry that you have waited 3 months! I hope you get answers soon. Sometimes A-AFib doesn’t show up for the doctors when you want it to. But eventually they will catch what it is and get you on the right path. In the meantime, just know that there are many people on here who are in there 70’s, 80’s and beyond who have had A-AFib for years and years and are living a very good life as they should. We take whatever medicine, especially the anticoagulant- by the way...NEVER say blood thinner!! It’s an anticoagulant .... doesn’t thin the blood just controls the clotting ...and whatever rhythm control medication you have been put on. Many of us have had accidental cuts and did not bleed out but it was normal bleeding even if taking an anticoagulant, but you do have to watch it. Everyone is truly different and unique and you must learn your body which sounds like you are doing this.

Some people have triggers... like yours was bending over. Others have not noticed any triggers. Some exercise daily and monitor their diet and other people just go on as whatever was normal. Some people go plant base, some go Keto, some just watch processed foods, some just eat whatever they were eating before etc. some drink coffee and some do not. The medications will keep you from consuming alcohol but I have read people postings that say they have an occasional wine or beer.

Many dread the medication but most are grateful for it. Some have ablations which is a procedure versus a surgery. Some have to have more than one or two.

Learning to live with a-fib taxes more of your emotional state as anything else. It can make you anxious at times. You can find a lot of answers to any questions or concerns you have by checking previous discussions (type subject in the search at top).

I hope you get good health care and find out what had caused this.


Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Denzil28

Even a small dose like that can make some people feel sluggish . Some people here have said Nebivolol suited them much better. I cut up my 2.5 mg pills and am taking about .8 mg in a divided dose and I still feel like doing a lot less so I am going to ask to try Nebivolol next time I go for my prescription renewal.

Vonnieruth profile image

I would contact your hospital regarding your results Three months is a long time to be waiting for them

KMRobbo profile image

1.25mg of Bisoprolol put be to sleep 40 minutes (ish) after taking it, i woke up groggy and with pain in my arms and upper chest 3-4 hours later. I had no exercie tolerance, max HR was 120 ish which is a fast walk.

Bisoprol is a beta blocker. After trying Atenolol, another beta blocker unsuccessfully also (better but still bad for tiredness) , i ended up on Verapamil a calcium channel blocker which had no side effects for me.

There are other beta blockers that can be used that some people find better than bisop, but I have not tried any,

Get your GP to switch you to something else

Are you in the UK?

I'm surprised (actually I'm not) that aspirin was prescribed, it doe's nothing for us afibbers.

As for bisoprolol, yes it is a beta blocker, and probably the most used in AF, probably because it is cheap?

As for side effect, I felt tired out all the time whilst taking them, no energy, brain fog, cold extremities etc etc, they also made my palpitations worse. Glad I am not on them anymore.I started on 12.5mg daily and I was a total zombie, and down to 0.65mg a day and still feeling dreadful and exhausted all the time.

Sounds like you need a better GP (if he thinks that Bisop is not a beta blocker they are either lying or an idiot) Best thing would be a referral to an EP for some proper diagnostics and treatment .

Hi Denzil. Please find a doctor before too long- a cardiologist if possible. You definitely need to be under someone's care.

Take care of yourself. irina

Denzil28 profile image

Finally got my Cardiologist appointment next Friday, hopefully get some answers and fix it up plan. Started taking my Bisoprolol in the evenings and feel little better. Only been a week since I been doing it so let’s see.


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