I am in UK and have had paroxysmal AF for a few years and was prescribed Flecainide and Bisoprolol but also had a Pacemaker fitted in July 2020 because of a low resting heart rate (normally 50 but loop recorder showed some drop to mid 30s overnight).
Any periods of AF I’ve had up to now have been 5/6 hours but last year they got longer and more frequent with one last September lasting 14 hours.
I had a telephone appt with Cardiologist in October and he changed my meds to 80mg Sotolol twice a day (I’m also on Edoxaban). He said he would review in 4 months so that’s due early February.
After an initial few weeks getting used to the drug I thought I had the AF under control but Saturday afternoon I went into AF and it’s always very uncomfortable (like the proverbial box of frogs).
Managed to get some sleep thinking it would revert to normal rhythm overnight but it didn’t.
I did NHS 111 and was advised to go to A&E yesterday morning and was there until tea time in Same Day Emergency Care unit.
Still in AF when discharged with advice to increase the evening Sotolol to 180 (am dose to remain at 80). Pulse rate still high but not excessively so.
So I’m still in Af over 40 hours since it started and trying not to get stressed as I have to wait now for the review with Cardiologist.
I assume that this is what’s called ‘permanent’ AF and as it’s new to me I’m looking for advice on how to manage it while awaiting contact from cardiologist. Do I try to continue with normal activities or rest more (I’m 73).
Any advice or reflections welcome