Dear friends
I having been following this site for about a year & have learnt many useful facts about AF.
My first incident was about 4 year's ago after a heavy Christmas meal & drinks. After a terrible night with a wildly erratic heartbeat I went to see the doc sent me straight to Acute Assess Unit where I was successfully converted by receiving Flecanude through a drip.
A year later a similar incident occurred but this time a different doc was reluctant to send me to the hospital. When i eventually did get there the fkecaniude drip failed. I spent 3 days in the Acute Assess unit where the cardio Docs tried to stabilise my condition. Eventually I left with anti coagulant pills, Riveroxiban, increased dosage of bisoprolol & Adizem. I was given a follow up appointment with a cardiologist six month!s later & there it was suggested that I undergo a cardioversion procedure to 'shock' my heart back into synus rhythm. This was unsuccessful. Back to the E C who suggested that I take amiodene in preparation for an ablation. I didn't like the sound of this drug & so declined & made an appointment to see another EC . His opinion was that Pace & Ablate was the only way to go. As I wasn't very symptomatic I asked for time to consider that option.
A year on & feeling unwell & with chest tightness I recently ended up in the hospital again. After an overnight stay drugs have been increased & a 'water ' tablet introduced.
I apologise for the lengthy pos. . The main question I want to ask is, would it be worth trying for ablation without the pace maker before committing myself to the whole deal? Of course I will listen to the opinion of the E C at my next appointment but would also appreciate advice from you people who had had the experience,
Sorry to bore you with such a long past history.