I've been lurking this forum for some years now. Less so when I'm happily in NSR, but more so, as now, when things go off the rails.
I'm almost 75 and have been fighting AF for about 15+ years. From the first diagnosis, all sorts of toxic and scary meds (Tikosyn in recent years which has actually worked very well) multiple cardioversions, and an ablation that failed b/c of giant left atrium, I think caused by my past long distance bike riding (?).
The trend for several months/years has been AF about every two weeks lasting 2-4 days and then back to NSR Then, around March 2024, all of the sudden out of nowhere, weird AF with wildly variable tachycardia, up to and past 140 BPM, after decades of having slow HR (and low BP).
And then, back to NSR for a couple of days, and then, back to crazy tachycardia/afib.
Had a major emotional hit around the time the crazy tacky stuff began as a close family member was diagnosed with Alzheimers. I have read recently about stress-induced cardiomyopathy, but I don't think any U.S. EP or regular cardiologist would address that as a possible cause.
At any rate, my long-time EP has been pushing pace & ablate, which I must admit, scares the heck out of me.
I searched this site and saw the many enlightening and helpful posts on the subject by CDreamer.
But to be quite honest, I still don't understand why CDreamer never got the AV node ablation. If AF was/is still there, how did the pacemaker override the chaotic signals coming through the AV node to the ventricles, without an AV node ablation? Did the biventricular pacemaker somehow influence the atria to calm down and not fibrillate?
I have re-read the posts, but am still at sea. I mentioned the "pace and NOT ablate" possibility to my EP's PA and just got a response that the pacemaker will regulate a low ventricular rate. But that's not an answer for someone in tachycardia, and does not explain the potential conflict between the still chaotic atria, and paced ventricles, without an AV node ablation.
It is quite possible I have missed some important piece of the puzzle, and if so I heartily apologize. I'm truly seeking answers, guidance and feedback before I jump into this AV node ablation.
Many thanks!