Like most, if not all, people here who have an Alivecor Kardia Mobile device, I am not trained to analyse ECG traces but I have seen several of my own recorded on multi-lead instruments, have researched the basics on the internet and have read the ‘primers’ supplied by Alivecor. While the device certainly has its uses, it also has limitations.
I am in the recovery phase after having an ablation back in June. I have recently stopped taking Amiodarone but am still taking Bisoprolol and Ramipril, which obviously both affect my heart function to some extent. My Kardia traces occasionally record ectopics and various anomalous pertubations but I’m now left not knowing how much of this is normal for a) a healthy person, b) someone still recovering from an ablation and c) someone still on rate and B.P. control medications (plus the traces of Amiodarone which will take a while to leave my body). It’s one thing being able to identify a trace that is clearly abnormal but something else to identify what is considered normal (under the circumstances).