Hi friends, I am sure you will send me some positive vibes. I am being operated on tomorrow morning for the bladder cancer. And feeling very apprehensive. I know there are worse cases than me. But somehow doesn’t make it any easier. Rienij
Update from Rienij: Hi friends, I am... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Update from Rienij

Wishing you a speedy recovery- I hope it all goes well
Wishing you all the luck in the world for tomorrow Rienij. Will be thinking of you and waiting to hear how the operation went.

Positive thoughts. We are survivors and will prevail.
My brother of 87 had this op. last year and it all went very well so best wishes to you.
Hi Rienij (where did that name come from!)
With us lot, your family and friends all rooting for, you got no option but to do well. Of course you are scared, I know I would be, but things are so much better now than ever before so try ‘n take it easy and let us know about your progress when you feel able.....best wishes, John

Thank you John. Rienij was my calling name in Holland where I was born. I will keep you informed, xx
beste wensen voor een succesvolle en spoedig herstel......👍😍👍

Dat is een verrassing. Xx
Not as much as it was a surprise for me......😂

Ok explain, 🤔🤔
All done courtesy of google translation I’m afraid....I’ve been to Holland a few times but everyone there speaks such good English, it makes us very lazy.....but also a small diversion too .....👍

Thank you John, I needed a diversion. In fact have been doing that all week. But couldn’t get away with it any longer. Today is the day I faced up to things. 🙏 xx
Thank you xx
Wishing you a speedy recovery from your operation Rienij70
What a lot of people sending you positive messages! With this support you are blessed!!
Come out the other side of tomorrow and live life to the full!
Very best wishes, love and tender hugs, may your God be with you. Gladys AKA Gladaven xx
Sending my warmest wishes to you Rienij. Not long now and you'll feel so much better ... modern day surgery is so good. Hugs xx
We will prevail! Sending most positive waves your way.Best wishes and try not to worry,let the experts do the worrying and get well soon xxx
Lots of good wishes coming your way. I have 2 friends who have had treatment for bladder cancer both at different stages and both are doing really well now so it bodes well. Thinking of you x
My Brother had a bladder operation for cancer over a year ago , today he is good as new.
Kia Kaha ( stay strong)
Janet x
All of my thoughts and big hugs for tomorrow. You have many people in the forum rooting for you 😄😄😄
Love and best wishes. Hope all went well.
You are in my thoughts and prayers
Di x
Yes there are always worse senarios with others but that never lessens your personal issues. I wish you the best with your surgery and outcome!! You will be in my prayers. Let is know how things go and try to stay positive!!
Sending best wishes. It would be more worrying if you weren't concerned. Being anxious is what helps us survive. Surgery these days is an amazing combination of modern technology and skill, imagine good outcomes and this will help enormously. Picture everything going fantastically well and you will be amazed by the results. Wendyb
Bless you. Wishing you calmness, peace and strength to get through the surgery and a speedy recovery. Thinking of you.x
Wishing you well and send healing and positive vibes.
My thoughts will be with you, good luck as well xx Sann
Wishing you well.
Sending you best wishes for a speedy recovery.
All the best to you on your surgery today and a speedy uneventful recovery.
Prayers ... Dear Lord ... please heal this dear person Rieniji ... only you are so capable of doing so ... guide the surgeons’ hands to perfection ... thank you this quiet Saturday morning for all of your blessings. Amen.
So hope everything went well...all the best. x
I hope you make a healthy and safe recovery. All the best.
Prayers for you and a speedy recovery!
Hi friends really touched by the many good wishes. Surgery went well. Surgeon said he managed to get whole tumour out. Was deeper than first thought. Feeling fine but tired. Thanks everyone xx😗😗
Best wishes for a speedy recovery 🙏
So very glad
Really hope all goes well ❤️
Good to hear it went so well! Fast healing! ❤️
Am back online and just saw this - just hope everything keeps going well - thinking of you.
Glad it went well, hope you are being well looked after 💐
I wish there was someone. I am afraid have to battle on. On top of it all woke up in AF and my INR level is only 1. Bit scary that. Xx
Are you saying you are at home? That's really hard 😮 I guess (can't remember) you are on Warfarin. This is where a DOAC would be useful. Hope you feel better soon 💕
Sending you lots of healing. Wishing you a speedy and full recovery. Hugs xx
Good luck for a speedy recovery, think positive.x
Hi Rienij, my 25 yr old friend had this done last year and is fine, working full time Thinking of you! you'll be fine! xx
Best wishes for a speedy recovery you will be in good hands regards Chris
Just come back in here after a busy two weeks, hope all,going well for yiu. Thinking of you.
Just come back on here, hope all went well with your op, been thinking of you. Mary
Just come back in here after troublesome few days, thinking of you and hoping you are getting some help. M
All ok here apart from being fed up with contractors and officials, OH not too bad but gets frustrated at being unable to help. Hope all goes well on 27th, not an easy time for you especially at this time of year. Family visiting us this week to help a little will be good to see them.M
Forgot to tell you, our grandson now lives in The Hague with his family.xx
Enjoyed seeing family.Hope you have as pleasant a Christmas as you can and will have family with you, will be thinking about you on 27th and hope all goes well.M