Many of you followed my story 5 or 6 years ago when I had my year from hell and gave me wonderful support.
I saw my EP last week and he is very happy with everything and doesn’t want to see me for 18 months so I see that as a win.
Nine weeks ago I had surgery for my hiatus hernia which went well. My anesthetist sent me to ICU for the first night because of my heart history and then I had 2 nights on a ward. I went into AF briefly the morning after the surgery and for an hour or so 24 hours post surgery. My EP was impressed and said that it was substantial surgery and very close to the heart. The surgery was at the same hospital that my EP works at so he would have been called in if there were any complications.
Anyway, I’m feeling good - I had a couple of months of a restricted diet- liquids only for the first few weeks. I’ve lost 5 kilograms, I’m back into my exercise regime, I’m eating well and I am finally off those dreaded PPIs 🎉