After eight straight days of continuous afib and one day in A&E, I converted back to NSR earlier this afternoon! To say I’m relieved would be an understatement but I’m now paranoid about flipping back at anytime. This really is a most horrid condition! My burning question now is, do I carry on taking the 2.5mg of Bisoprolol or possibly reduce it to 1.25mg a day instead? I can’t get hold of my GP until after the Weekend now and am concerned if I carry on with 2.5mg that my heart rate will now drop too low along with my blood pressure? I still have my paid for private cardiologist appointment next Thursday and will obviously need to discuss the way forward now? Clearly Pafib can happen for days, eight in my case and not just hours as it did previously?
Upgraded from paroxysmal afib into pa... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Upgraded from paroxysmal afib into pafib…. Deep joy! Update, update!!

Pleased for you

We really can't advise on drug doseage so I strongly advise you to do as you have been told by your doctor pending your next appointment.
Really pleased for you. Wait to see cardiologist before making changes. When my Afib comes it lasts for about 8 weeks and it happens Christmas time/early January. Can't wait!!!
Phew! Yes it IS a horrible condition, and the negative anticipation is almost the worst part. It IS tricky with the meds. If you were advised to go to the increased dose, then as other have said, I'd stay there. 2.5 is not a huge amount anyway. I started out on that. (Now on Flecainide). What if you did kick back in...that's a known. Hang in till Thursday. Tell yourself if you're in AF on Thursday when you see the cardiologist, that's not the end of the world. It night help you stop worrying about "what if?". I speak from experience and with empathy! Meantime, keep your system stable and let it regroup.
Everyone is different but in my wife's case she had one 14 day episode of AF 3 years ago but only occasional shorter ones since. Don't assume it's the new norm and stick with the meds till you speak to a professional.
As BobD says, we shouldn't advise you on medication as we are not qualified to do so. However, I don't see the harm in telling you that my 5mg of bisoprolol (double what I was on before the ablation) is split between two doses at 12 hour intervals. If you have problems with the 2.5mg, or are worried about your heart rate, I can't see any harm in doing something similar and having 1.25mg twice a day.
I believe that my dose was doubled because I also started taking flecainide immediately after the op. I'm hoping that at my up coming 3 month review, that can be dropped, and maybe the bisoprolol as well . . . I live in hope.
I have lived with the fear of Afib returning daily as I'm Afib free for 4 months now. My Electrophysiologist has told me to keep doing what I am doing, however I learned that the heart needs to rest for 6 months for it to settle after a 4 month 24/7 Afib issue. Good Luck!
Very happy for you !
Reverting to NSR result of medication or procedure ?
Doctor reduced Sotalol to 40 mgs and the rest was supplements of Magnesium Taurate/Glycinate, Hawthorn Berry, wild Alaskan Fish Oil, Vitamin D and C, and Co-Q10. Took 8 weeks to get benefits and still take them. Look up Natural Alternative s to Afib.
My episodes usually resolved within 48 hours but I had one that lasted for seven days. The next episode was five months later and it resolved in 40 hours. So no, one long episode doesn't necessarily mean following up episodes will be long.
Thanks but unfortunately, the "break" was only 5 days. Lol. I'm back in a fib now at about the 12 hour mark. HR stable below 100 with 120 Dilitiazen and 6.25 Metoprolol. This has happened before where I get two episodes fairly close together. It's usually followed by a 5 to 6 month respite. I think I overdid things yesterday. Too much too soon.
That’s good news motov, I’m really pleased for you mate. If I were in your position I would wait until your visit with the cardiologist until altering any dosages. He/she will know what changes to make etc. Hang in there mate it’s less than a week.👍👍
I’m hanging on in! Fingers crossed! 👍
Good.👍 just because you’ve had a long episode doesn’t mean to say you’re on the way to more. Iv had long ones too mate and it put me on a rite downer because I thought this is the only way this can go now.!!! But after medication changes etc and trial and error with stuff things became better. You’ll get there mate.👍
So pleased you converted to NSR. I personally watch the bisopropol. My resting heart rate is only around 60-65 so I would resist any G P that tried to put me on permanent Bisopropol. If I have a 'blip' as I call it I take 200 flecanaide but only take 1.25 of Bisopropol if my heart is racing which it doesn't always do when I have a blip. Good luck but it doesn't help to dwell on it. You have to try and get on with your life. I have had 2 episodes since my long blips but both have converted to NSR in a reasonable time. Hope this helps
Hi Motov,I had similar to you a first episode of AF which lasted for 6 days and put me in hospital for two. But after being given bisoprolol my heart reverted to NSR by itself. I haven't had it again for two months which is good. I'm trying to watch my stress levels and diet ( no caffeine) but it seems to be working so far. Good luck and try not to worry.