Hi All,
I had a second ablation for persistent high load (18,000/ day) PVC's and non-sustained ventricular tachycardia, unfortunately after 3 months they reappeared in similar numbers. I was put on Propafenone (150x3 mg times a day) and then increased morning and evening doses to 225 mg.
Propafenone reduced the PVC load significantly, but unfortunately last night I had three episodes spaced by 2 hours, what seemed to be atrial flutter or other SVT (with PVC's too). First two were exactly 100 beats per minute I was shivering and shaking, and then 140 beats per minute landing me in A&E.
So far I had stopped the Propafenone and the ectopics pretty low, but appear more when I just have a light walk.
Could anyone who has the experience with Propafenone (Rhytmol, Arrhytmol) let me know whether popafenone can trigger the atrial flutter, or supraventricular arrhythmias the very things it meant to suppress?
Thanks to all on this very helpful forum!