Thank you so much for all your help I have had more reassurance from you all. I've decided to sit the next episode out at ho me thank God i found this forum ππ
Thanks so much : Thank you so much for... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Thanks so much
That s good will always get plenty of help here! You'll learn with experience the way which works best for YOU.
Best wishes
Thanks Sandra xxx
Hi Rachel one thing that really helps is staying calm, if you get anxious it can make AF so much worse.
I have learnt during bad episodes to use distraction/breathing excercises/making myself as comfortable as possible and I no longer fear episodes of P-AF, now they are just part of life and a bit of an inconvenience.
Everyone here knows how scary an AF episode can be especially in the early days. With the support of the lovely people here and more experience things do get much easier. Staying as calm as you can is certainly a step in the right direction. Just remember - people are here for you.
Not wishing to alarm you, but having had a stroke age 52, during an episode of paf, I would do what my cardiologist says and if it doesn't resolve in 30 mins or so after an extra 250mg FLECANIDE (pill in pocket, in addition to my regular 50mg) or the rate goes over 130bpm, I would get myself to a&e.
Best wishes.
Hi all it can be so confusing should i go a&e should i stay at home some people say do some say don't if i was going to have a stroke i would have still had one at the a&e during the 7 hours i was waiting to be seen they knew why I was there so they obviously didn't class me as an emergency eventually i was scored a one on the at risk of a stroke scale
I know, sorry to confuse you, but if you did have a big one you would be in the right place. I have had the same thoughts. How has your stroke left you? Mine was very minor with numbness on left side, in mid August, but I'm really struggling with fatigue.....although to be fair I got an ablation 2 weeks ago as didn't want to risk another stroke.
Hi shaldonkooma i haven't had a stroke they said i only scored a one on the stroke risk assessment which means im unlikely to have one im sorry that it happened to you that must have been a horrible time for you could your fatigue be due to your ablation maybe i really hope you're feeling better soon Best wishes
Thank you, and yes I think so. Sorry, I thought I had read a second stroke! Think I am muddling posts up, sorry. Yes my risk for stroke was zero, so if af continues for a while or is extra fast may be worth going, just in case. As long as they triage you quite quickly. Although to be fair, I only went once with af because I work there, and once after the stroke, not taking my own advice!! I know what you mean..... did seem like a waste of time the first time! They just told me to take extra FLECANIDE and watch and wait! I wouldn't hesitate to get ablation if you are offered it. Good luck x