Have you been denied an MRI scan because you are fitted with a cardiac device, and subsequently suffered a stroke or heart attack? If this sounds like you, or someone you know, please contact e.williams@heartrhythmalliance.org
Have you been denied an MRI scan? - Atrial Fibrillati...
Have you been denied an MRI scan?
This is very pertinent Rachel as you may or may not have seen the topic arise in my thread about Pacemaker In of yesterday. It would be very helpful to know what protocols are good practice and what information we need to be aware of and questions to ask.
Hi, sorry for any confusion, we have been asked by a journalist for a press enquiry. They are looking for someone who has been denied an MRI scan because they have a pacemaker, and subsequently suffered a stroke or heart attack.

No confusion - just thought the synchronicity was interesting, especially given the content of the thread.
Hi Rachel I’m on my 2nd battery in my 12th year my first time as a Medtronic duel chamber pacemaker the one I had fitted 2 years ago in October is a biotronic closed loop simulator a far better device. But I know for sure that I couldn’t go in an MRI scanner with the Medtronic but absolutely no idea about the newer one? I must ask questions at my next check up. It would be useful to know now if it’s safe to go in MRI scanner.
The question being asked is a bit obscure in my eyes why would being denied an MRI cause a heart attack or stroke or do they mean because an MRI couldn’t be done that a heart attack or stroke went undiagnosed? It’s just a bit of a confusing question????
I quite agree it is a huge concern in the event of an accident or something serious things really do need to change for paced patients to ensure it is possible without any problems being caused by having an MRI in these situations. My biggest worry is if I’m in a serious accident and not concious, the medics knowing I have a pacemaker even though I wear an SOS talisman and I carry my pacemaker ID card in my purse and I carry typed up info on my medical conditions in my handbag, it is still a worry!!