You may remember a couple of months ago I was diagnosed from a BNP blood test (very high) and not very good ultra sound scan and GP thought I needed an MRI which only a cardiologist could order so she referred me. Imagine my surprise when I didn’t see a cardiologist at the first appointment but a HF specialist nurse. She was very good but it confused me. She said she’d have a meeting with the cardiologist and he would decide if I needed an MRI. Meanwhile she said I was on all the correct meds and eat a high protein and low carb diet. She said I had HFpEF. . Anyone else been along this route?
Heart failure and MRI scan - Atrial Fibrillati...
Heart failure and MRI scan

Not exactly that route. I've only had echocardiograms so far which diagnosed pacemaker dissynchrony. Followed by a new 3 lead PM fitting.
But what would the MRI reveal I wonder? An MRI with a pacemaker needs special input from the PM clinic as it may need resetting after the MRI I think. Sorry I can't be of more help.
Did you have the cardioversion for AF in December, and did it work?
No nothing has ever been mentioned about a cardioversion. I wonder can you still have a MRI if you have a pacemaker fitted?
I've read accounts from people on other forum from people who've had an MRI with a PM, and it is possible. They say someone from the PM clinic came to monitor the PM, put it in safe mode, and restore the settings at the end of the MRI.
I am about to have my second MRI in 3 months, I am 100% paced after av node ablation. The pm team put your pm into safe mode prior to scan then reset it afterwards.
I have HFpEF 55% that was diagnosed in May after raised BNP level and ECHO showed mild mitral valve regurgitation/mild tricuspid valve regurgitation/left ventricular systolic dysfunction. I also have permanent atrial fibrillation. I have very mild/non-existent symptoms and discovered my AF on my Smart watch. I was referred to the heart failure clinic under the care of a HF nurse but I have not been referred to a cardiologist I assume that is because my condition is being being well managed at the moment and possibly that may happen if this progressed in the future. My husband's AF was treated completely differently with referral to a cardiologist and a cardioversion (which did not work). I saw a link on here about a recent NHS HFpEF Pathway Support Tool that you may find interesting (I can't post a link sorry). All very confusing and I hope you soon get the support you feel is appropriate for you. Female 72
Surely the simple way is, GP to Specialist, Specialist to Radiography practice? - I'm not sure if my GP can send me for an MRI, I've only been sent for one on my back by the Orthopod. I know she can send me for a Dexa. Why all these intermediates and meetings? Although the NHS was wonderful when it first started, It is getting silly. I now live in SouthAfrica, where we can choose whether we want to rely on the State or pay subscriptions to a non profit making Medical Aid scheme, and benefit from private practices. It is not Insurance as in the USA.
No my GP can’t refer for cardiac MRI. That’s why she referred me to cardiology at the hospital. My point is I didn’t see cardiologist but heat failure specialist nurse who said she would discuss with cardiologist.