I am about 6 weeks minus two day post ablation. I did not know there was a blanking period until about 3 weeks post ablation. I had paroxysmal AFib. I began having tachycardia & AFib after contracting Lyme Disease. I was not treated for the Lyme for 3 months after catching it, but was on IVs & antibiotics to get rid of it.
When the AFib got worse & worse, I thought it was the Lyme only. About a week after the ablation, I continued to have muscle fatigue in my thighs. Where I used to run or walk about 3 miles, it is now difficult to walk 3 blocks. Am still on RXs ... Sotolol (half strength) & Eliquis for the blanking period. On the Sotolol, my normally 60 bpm heart rate is around 43 to 53 bpm. I occasionally get a “hint” chest pain. I wonder if the Sotolol (Betapace) is causing the continuation of fatigue due to not enough circulation in my legs. I don’t get shortness of breath. Am still working part time, but mostly desk work as am a nurse practitioner, but see people in their homes.