For everyone who had to read about my Watchman device procedure the last six months-this is the last post. Had the procedure Jan 15, 2018. But weaning off of anticoagulants was the longest part. Continued warfarin til March 9th, when my TEE (US)/TOE showed device completely covered by atrial tissue. No more exchange of blood between left atrium and it's appendage so warfarin d/c'd March 10. Then Plavix 75mg (clopidogrel) daily til today. Also a baby aspirin daily with the Plavix. Today was my last Plavix dose which I took with a large glass of champagne. Had my Electrophysiologist's blessing re the champagne So DONE! No more anticoagulants-hopefully. Happy I did it and glad whole process is finished! No more alcohol til a large Guinness next St. Patrick's Day~😊 irina
Post Op Watchman Device Protocol: DONE - Atrial Fibrillati...
Post Op Watchman Device Protocol: DONE
Great news Irina, delighted to hear that all is going well. Please don’t disappear from the forum as your experience may well be helpful to others even though the procedure is not normally carried out here in the UK. Best wishes.........
Hi Flapjack. No not leaving the forum! Just finalizing my divorce from anticoagulants. I love the forum. This one and thyroiduk help me keep myself healthy.😊
So pleased to hear this news Irina. The world's your oyster now! So get out there gal! Spare bed at my house if you fancy a trip to England. Jean x
Good morning from Atlanta. May take you up on the bed. My next big project is to get my knees in shape. They need replaced and have been putting off til off the anticoagulants. Want to get off my walker. Then will be ready to travel. I miss it. Thanks for your good wishes. Take care. irina
I hope you mean this is the last post about your Watchman procedure and not that you are leaving this forum?
Leave the forum and give everyone a rest from my opinions and mouth? NEVER.😊

Thank goodness for that. x
Hi Irina it's good to hear things are going so well after your procedure, hopefully, you have paved the way and the device will become more readily available for others.
Stay well
I hope procedures like this will become more available. When I first talked to my coumadin nurse about it I was amazed to find out how many patients would love to get off anticoagulants of any kind. What got my attention was when I began to see literature about the problem of small bleeds that may not be picked up and can contribute to dementia. It may be a battle because we all know whenever there is a treatment or procedure that can help us let go of the some the meds we need Big Pharma has a collective coronary!😠
Great news irina - cause for celebration indeed and I love the idea of replacing medication with champagne! Even if it is only once. Enjoy your new-found freedom from anticoagulants, keep well and keep posting. xx
Thanks, Finvola. Plan to keep on posting. I rarely drink anymore but that champagne sure made the medicine go down (to paraphrase Mary Poppins.) I know I drank more than I needed to swallow one pill. LOL.
Congratulations irina, so pleased for you. I hope you enjoyed the champagne and that it didn’t go straight to your head with all those bubbles. I will toast you tonight with a gin and tonic. Thank you for all your support the other day, I found it very helpful despite the fact I was not the one selected. Here is to good health and all the best for the future.
Hi Irina Congratulations and wish I could've joined you with the champagne as my device is also functioning well and only on the baby aspirin for 1 more month. Long may it continue, and love reading your posts on here! 😀