Heart monitor device: Hi I have... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Heart monitor device

Swimsyroke profile image
7 Replies


I have recently had a holter monitor for 24 hours and it shows that my heart rate went to 153 at one point.

Should I be concerned as I read posts where it's said members try not to exceed 130.

Also I only have a Kardia which only works on my old phone.

I would like to buy a device (not expensive) but a simple device to show my heart rate particularly while exercising.

I don't have an Apple. My phone is a moto G8 so I'm quite old fashioned and not into tech stuff.

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Swimsyroke profile image
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7 Replies
mav7 profile image

shows that my heart rate went to 153

With afib, heart rate can spike but hopefully not remain at that rate. Your doctor will discuss the results of the holter monitor with you and determine appropriate medication and therapy.

I don't own, but it is my understanding an Apple Watch will provide continuous monitoring while sleeping and during exercise.

AKatieD profile image

I like my garmin which has heart rate and ECG (albeit if you are in UK, you have to tell it you are in USA).

secondtry profile image

I wouldn't be concerned and I wouldn't bother getting more techy stuff, especially if not techy, as constant checking can increase anxiety (exacerbating the situation) and not be good enough data for the medics to rely on.

Buzby62 profile image

If you are in permanent AF then instantaneous heart rate monitors are pretty much useless as they give you a reading over just a few seconds which will be jumping about due to the irregularities of AF. The only heart rate measurement to note in AF is the average by counting beats over 60 seconds or by using an ECG device like kardia which gives an average for the 30 second ECG trace.

Lows of 30 and highs of 150 can be quite normal instantaneously while in AF and the average may still be in the controlled range below 100bpm. Check with the doctor that requested your holter monitor.

I agree with  secondtry , it will cause you more anxiety than the worth of it.

Best wishes

Ppiman profile image

I think that can be very much the rule other than the exception. Don't worry at all!


DawnTX profile image

what I try to tell people now is get out of your head if you are using a Holter monitor, but your doctor worry about what it’s reading and don’t keep reading your numbers. This came from my EP Who insisted I stop using my oximeter because of the constant fluctuations. you will drive yourself crazy and probably him or his nurse. If it is steady and high or steady and low, trust me, you will know from your doctor. I can have 60 when I get up from bed and by the time I walk back to my room, it can be 90 usually with regular activity it will be around 84 although hopefully it has lowered now because my Metropol was doubled to am and p.m.

I have noticed on here many people are not using the cardio like they first did you become obsessed? It’s not good for you. It’s gonna stress you will make your numbers change again. I had an implant because the Holter recorded absolutely nothing. It is as if my heart knew I had it. Even an EKG won’t pick up everything unless you are having a fib at the time, etc.. the next step maybe getting an implant it’s not a big deal. It’s a local and takes less than an hour in your doctors office. It can last five years they removed mine when I got my pacemaker. It is very tiny FYI and they take it out the same way they put it in into a little pocket that they make similar to what they do when you get a PM. I forget how often I used to go. They would have a tech from the company take a reading or if I were having problems they would do it even sooner just like they do with my pacemaker now. With the implant recorder, all he did was put something around my neck and his machine would shoot out what looks like a very long grocery receipt. They could pinpoint everything. I even knew that during my ablation I hit 300 at one point it’s even better with the pacemaker they take a transmission without me doing anything. They let me know when they are going to do one as far as the date and I usually get something back on my app , just telling me everything went well, etc. it’s amazing the things they do

please stop trying to read everything think about how long it took for your doctor to be able to do that in school just because we have a little piece of equipment. Doesn’t make us a doctor more than my advice does lol because we are all different.

I see far too many people on here playing doctor for themselves. I can look up the words too. That doesn’t mean anything even looking at an EKG can have things we would not see that our doctor does. I have found since getting my pacemaker and AV node done that unless I do something wrong, I have been feeling so normal and good, I think many of the problems we feel we are the cause of. I suggest a little diary and if you get a fib or something that concerns you write it down and think about what you were just doing recently something you ate or drank the weather temperature one day I was just moving too fast, picking things up off the floor, when I got dizzy and started. This was before the pacemaker I had tachycardia constantly. Not too long ago I have had the worst bout since I got my pacemaker and I will tell you it was all things I did and I managed to do them altogether within a short period of time. Because of the pacemaker feeling flutter, etc., is not damaging anymore it still is concerning and achy. Find your triggers, and you will feel less concerned about things knowledge is power the more I learned the less afraid I was of my heart issues. I’m not talking about pain such as a heart attack feeling anything like that get to the ER don’t write

JOY2THEWORLD49 profile image


The 3 x24hr Heart Monitors were simplified down to average Day and Night.

Medical wants to see what your medication is doing.

On Metoprolol without much exertion because I couldn't was 186 avg Day 47bpm avge Night with pauses.

On Bisboprolol only 156avg bpm with exertion 47bpm avge Night without pauses.

On AM CCB Diltiazem 120mg CD at rest 60s Day 47 Night no pauses

PM BB Bisoprolol BP down 120-130 .... 69-79. Day

It is your resting H/R and BP most important

Nothing to worry about when you exert yourself.

Some folks find that they go into AF is H/Rate is over a certain amount so they are trying to keep it under an amount for solely their personal reason.

cheri JOY. 75. (NZ)

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