Hi, new here. I had an ablation almost 2 weeks ago for AFiB, the 1st 5 days things went well, but now heart beating fast and irregular again. rate is 60 to 130 some skipping. Taking Sotalol 80mg 2 x daily. Went for my post op and things were good, Now I don't know wht to do wait or go to ER? Any help please. Thanks
Post Ablation: Hi, new here. I had an... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Post Ablation

I would ring the EP centre where it was done if you are worried. Here in UK , AF Association have produced a fact sheet Recovering from Ablation which explains a lot of the things you may experience. Try clicking the search box above and find a link to it.
These things are quite normal and will take some time to settle down. Stay well hydrated. rest plenty and listen to your body. Doctors do not understand how long it take to get over this procedure . WE do.
BobD I searched to find the After Ablation info you wrote so I could send the link to Barms, but couldn't find it on the AF site. Can you tell me again how to find it please?
Goodness knows how new people will find its location if I can't.
Hello Jean here you are scroll down the page until you reach...
''Recovering from Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation Read more''
Thank you doodle. Can you tell me the whole route to finding it please? I'll write it down then so I don't forget.
go to...'AF Association - Patient Information' sticky on the right of the screen,
then select the website
then click on 'For Patients'
then 'Patient Resources'
then 'Factsheets'
scroll down...
doodle.can you explain to me how to put your link onto this forum? It will save a huge amount of time!
Hi Bob you can link to the 'AF Association Patient Information Fact sheets' web page then scroll down to the factsheet you want. The actual factsheet is a document and won't take a link.
So here is the link to the 'Factsheet' page below, click on it , now go to the address bar at the top of the page and copy the link with your mouse then paste it in any post ..
Once you are on the Factsheet page, if you bookmark it and add it to your 'favourites' it will be readily accessible to copy and paste.
like this?heartrhythmalliance.org/afa...?
I may ask the office if we can just pin this fact sheet to HUL since it is so popular.
Quote Bob
''like this?heartrhythmalliance.org/afa...
Yes that's it Bob but to make the link 'live' put a space where the question mark is see below...
''like this? heartrhythmalliance.org/afa...
You are so right Bob D!!! I am just now beginning to feel normal again. Blamed how long it has taken me to recover on my age-73, & the fact that I had Aflutter for a month & a week while recovering from Ablation!!!!. It affected me worse than AFib did !!!!
For younger folks it might take less time
Hi Barms, I had Ablation On Feb 26 this year. All went well for me until Mar 30th, when a new arrhythmia started & when I went to my Cardiologist, found out it was AFlutter. Sent me to my EP & he scheduled me for a Cardio Version but had no opening until May 7th. Then on May 3 my heart self converted to NSR!!! Only problem since has been a few skipped beats, but is normal for me as I was born with a heart murmur & have always had skipped beats. EP that did my Ablation is not my regular EP & is 6 hours away from my home. He said it is not unusual to have some Arrhythmia during the 80 day blanking period after Ablation while scar tissue is building up.
I would call the EP . I had my ablation in April- and had numerous problems with flutter and fib. I had two cardio versions. After finding the right but nasty drug Amiodarone 😩 things seemed to settle down. However I still had an high heart rate (95 bpm) after four weeks I called my EP nurse - had EKG done and walls- had another small flutter/ and cardio version. Since then my HR is in the late 60’s-
Tomorrow Morning I go for my 60 day follow up and hoping to get off the nasty Amiodarone. Then will see what happens - been enjoying my peaceful heart ❤️ for four weeks