We'll appointment has finally come through for my clinic appointment 19th July What will this entail
Appointment: We'll appointment has... - Atrial Fibrillati...

You'll probably have an ECG when you first arrive. Then a discussion with whoever you're seeing, be it a cardiologist or AF nurse (does your letter say?), on those results and how you are feeling, medication and the way forward. They should also tell you when they'll next see you again.
Is this on top of the one I had The 24 hour one I have has echoscan to
I always have an ECG before every appointment I have, but all hospitals have different routines. I've attended two different ones and they both did them before the consultation.
Ok thanks Jeannie Guess it all becomes habit
It does, I'm afraid. You'll soon become very blasé about it all.
So long as the anxiety disappears a little It sure doesn't help the palpitations
I found the biggest cause of anxiety when visiting the clinic, was trying to find somewhere to park up at the hospital. All spaces were taken and in the end my wife dropped me off and went to park off site. I ended up getting seen straight away as two previous patients hadn't turned up. I had visions of them still driving around the car parks (which probably wasn't far off the truth) .... Motto there is allow yourself plenty of time, and stay chilled, easy to say I know ....
Hi Vonnie I have had 2 arrhythmia clinic appointments at the local hospital so far a year apart and the standard procedure where I go is a general nurse will take an ECG/blood pressure/ hight and weight and that goes into your notes and it happens at every appointment. Then you should see an arrhythmia nurse or cardiologist who will check your medical history then review your medication and arrange for an echocardiogram if you haven't already had one and decide on a suitable treatment which will depend on your individual circumstances.
There is nothing to be anxious about
Thanks doodle I have had a echo scan in May Is that where they put the gel on and use a probe