Just spoke to my hospital acute appointment department as I haven't had one through yet .Very helpful rang me back in 10minutes.Consultant was spoken to and I have been past to AF clinic as a normal appointment.Hope this is a good sign if there are any
Appointment : Just spoke to my hospital... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Vonnie, all that you are describing in your posts is ordinary run of the mill for we people with AF. So you really have nothing to worry about. It does feel scary when you are first diagnosed, but when we look back we see that it wasn't necessary for all that worry. You will get there slowly.

OK Vonnie. STOP! RELAX! Now breath deeply for five minutes. All is normal. Nothing is wrong other than you have AF like 1.2 million other people in UK.
Just to explain a little (and I hope that you took my advice about reading all you can on AF Association website) the normal procedure is as follows.
You should have at your first clinic appointment an echocardiogram ( ultra sound scan ) of your heart to check that there is no mechanical damage along with usually blood tests to check thyroid etc. Nothing happens quickly with AF as I have said many times. It is not an accident or emergency it is a chronic condition and will be treated accordingly. It was once said to me that AF is a long journey which is so right.
Life style changes are very important and as others have commented many of us with AF learn that it is a warning to change our ways and live a healthier life. OK you won't ever be your previous "normal" but life is good and goes on and do you want that normal if that was why you have AF?
Treat this as a positive experience giving you a second chance.
Have had a thing on heart already is it like a ultra sound
Had scan on heart where they put gel on and use a probe Also had 24 hour monitor ecg
Yes Vonnie, that sounds like an echocardiogram you had. So they will know if your heart is physically working correctly, apart from the AF. Lots of us have minor leaks in parts of our hearts, most older people even those without AF have them and it's normal and they don't affect us.
Keep your questions coming, if it helps
Thanks Jean .Doctor on phone when she rang just said I had AF
It's such a common condition, so she's used to giving out news like that. Doctors have no idea the stress of being given such brief information can cause! It's really not good enough! I think they should be handing out a booklet that gives reassurance and explains so much more.
Your posts are always so informative, sensible and positive. Full of useful information especially for those of us who've been poleaxed by our diagnosis!!! I do hope that once this beast is under better control I can adapt like you and just get on with life. Keep up the good work
Hi petrified I still am coming to terms with all this Hope I feel more positive once I have been to the hospital and spoken to them there .People are so supportive on here and we'll informed Only been on here a few weeks myself Guess we are a friendly crew who all have something similar going on in our healthough think some may get fed up with my questions and may think them irevelant but if you don't ask you will never know
Very difficult to come to terms with. I can't get used to being totally knackered all the time - always been active. I've never been an anxious person & now I'm starting to think a broken nail's caused by the afib (not quite but almost). You're quite right to ask questions!!! More info on here than from the medical professionals. Keep well
Hope you keep well to Always here to have a chat