I'm in on Monday having my second catheter ablation. Has anyone had the Cryo ablation? My last Abalation was around 7 years ago and it was RF based. Is the recovery time quicker on a Cryo?
Cardio Abalation Cryo: I'm in on Monday... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Cardio Abalation Cryo

The procedure is quicker which means less anaesthetic but recovery is still dependent on the scar tissue forming. so three to six months still.
Thanks Jean and Bob!
Wishing you well Andy
Hi Andy, I had cryoablation in January 2017 which (touch wood) has put a stop to the debilitating AF episodes. I felt it took a long time to recover from but was my first ablation so nothing to compare it with. But it’s worked for me. Good luck, hope it’s as successful for you as it was for me.
Are you all having a general anaesthetic or just being sedated? Reason being I had the carto (rf) ablation two and a half years ago, had 2 fairly long episodes of fast af since so going to push for another ablation with my ep. I was sedated for my last ablation but experienced a lot of discomfort. I think if I do I’ll need a GA? Anyway, is this more common now? The GA and are we all going cryo too? also....if you have a GA, do u get catheterised 😳
I've just had cryoablation and was sedated, when I felt discomfort I remember hearing myself saying "ahh thats hurts" and I was given more sedative because I didn't feel any more discomfort so shout out. I would do it again in a heartbeat (pardon the pun). I wasn't catheritised. Don't know if you get this with a General.
I had a cryoablation under sedation about two and a half years ago. It was the best decision ever and so far so good. Take it easy though and don’t try to do too much. Best wishes to you.
I am three weeks post ablation.
The procedure itself was fine under sedation. Wound recovery was great. Actual recovery is slower than i thought but its going well. Had AF every day but this is normal ...but no pain just frustrating. It takes a while to get back to normal. Have patience.... unlike me . 😊
I had a cryoblation Jan 29th 2018 whilst under mild sedation. Stopped my AF while I was watching the displays on the screen . Procedure whilst not especially pleasant is not a problem (I had worse pain at the dentist).
The pain is like the "brain freeze" you get whilst biting into cold ice cream but a very cold one. This happens for each of the four pulmonary veins. When the freezing is finished the pain stops in seconds.
I had very little chest discomfort afterwards. I could feel somthing for a week or so but not painful.
I hand no problems with the groin no pain and it healed up in days. I am 58.
I was back at work in a week
Best wishes for your ablation.
Hi Andy,
I had both RF ablation and a Cryo ablation 2 weeks ago for my A-Fib and A-Flutter and I was in the theatre for 1.5 hours. The recovery time is the same although every individual is the same.
All I’d say is be prepared for a pretty bad bout of brain freeze! That’s what got me! As you know brain freeze lasts seconds, but this was not overly pleasant. Other than that, no driving for a week if you can, the usual no hot baths for a few days.
Good luck, hope it goes well!
Hi Andy hope it all goes well for you...my cardiologist in manchester tends to always opt for putting everyone out now as studies in the U.S are showing a greater long term success rate so he told me in march this year just before my seclond ablation.