Is it normal for heart rate to be 100 bpm?
Mine was normaly around 60 at rest.
Is it normal for heart rate to be 100 bpm?
Mine was normaly around 60 at rest.
Took about 12 months for my HR to return to my pre ablation norm.
It reduced very gradually as Heart healed - but yes - it is a common experience.
Everyone is different. Some return to a normal rate within a few weeks, some as long as a year such as CD Dreamer. Mine, since my second ablation, is about 10 beats higher than before the ablation at rest, but typically below 100
Mine prior Ablation in September was 54bpm and after Ablation, with medication 63bpm.
I have been medication free for 6-weeks and heart rate is around 75bpm. I was also wondering if in time it will reduce.
Hi Asdfvv
I have not had an ablation but am on flecainide for my AF. My heart rate still goes from around 50bpm to 110bpm in seconds. My cardiologist has seen the chart I do of my heart rate and he is quite happy with this. He offered me an ablation which I refused unless I get worse. According to him that was the right decision as he said my heart was fine in that range. So I don't think it's anything to worry about having a heart rate of 100bpm it certainly won't cause you to have any problems.
Good luck for the future
Regards Flyer.
A study on this showed:
1. the raised heart rate tended to still be there after a year.
2. those with raised heart rate tended to have better outcomes from the ablation.
Which study is this? I would be interested if you have a link
This is the one I was referring to:
Took me 9 months to regain normal resting heartbeat..
As long as not super high yes it is common. Any change in meds from before and after ablation?
Pre-ablation 45bpm, post-ablation 85bpm, 8 weeks post-ablation 70bpm.
Mine was at 70 after the procedure....Jan 16. Now, April 13, it's 127...
My resting HR went from 65 to 85 post ablation and has stayed there for 2.5+ years. Makes it challenging to run at the pace I did pre-ablation, but I'll take it as thankfully the AF recurrences have not happened.