Pulse rate post ablation: A question to... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Pulse rate post ablation

Sozo profile image
24 Replies

A question to all friends who have had a successful ablation:

I had a successful ablation a year and a half ago. I have days or even long periods where my pulse rate runs at 85. I am a 63 year old 120 pound woman. Can you all tell me what your pulse rate runs on average?

Thank you!! :)

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Sozo profile image
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24 Replies
mjames1 profile image

Your pulse is within a normal range which is 60-100 for healthy adults. Some have lower pulses either because of medications, fitness level or genetics. My resting pulse right now is 77, but it's usually in the 60s. I am not concerned.

If you noticed elevated since your ablation, that can happen and it's nothing to be concerned about. In fact, an elevated pulse post ablation is associated with ablation success.


Sozo profile image
Sozo in reply to mjames1

Thank you Jim, It had settled down after 6-8 months post ablation to what is normal for me which is 60's at rest and 70's when I'm up and about. So when I had started to see it maintain in the 80's I was curious.. Not that I have a compulsion to check my pulse but I do periodically especially when I feel unreasonably tired. Ty for your response! :)

mjames1 profile image
mjames1 in reply to Sozo

Well that's good news that it did finally settle down after the ablation.

As to why it's up again. again probably nothing to be concerned about, but also nothing wrong about keeping track of it.

Like I mentioned my pulse is also up a bit lately and while I'm not overly concerned, it may have to do with some other recent health and medication changes. A higher resting pulse can sometimes suggest deconditioning in many cases. And for that reason, many people keep a log of their resting pulse as soon as they wake up.


BobD profile image

As we explain in our fact sheet on recovery, raised pulse post ablation is very common, typically in the 80 to 90 range which is still well within normal limits.

Sozo profile image
Sozo in reply to BobD

Yes upper 80's and 90's was certainly what it was right after the ablation, but now that it's been a year and a half, that was my concern. :)

Lizty profile image

Sozo..my pulse rate was in the 60s before my ablation...averaging in the 80s a year later....but now is in low 70s most of the time. My consultant was not concerned. No one ever told me why!

Lizty profile image
Lizty in reply to Lizty

Post script..of course in atrial fib it was often 140 to 180!,....rare now.

Sozo profile image
Sozo in reply to Lizty

Thank you Lizty!!! :)

Ppiman profile image

Mine (as measured on my Apple Watch) varies from about 50bpm to 120 (during exercise). When I was taking 2.5mg bisoprolol (a beta blocker drug), it dropped on occasions to 35-40 in the evenings and overnight. I'm currently taking 1.25mg bisoprolol because of this, without which, I think it would be more like 60bpm (i.e. still on the slow side of normal and called "bradycardia").

A persistent rate over 100bpm is usually treated with a beta blocker, and is deemed to be tachycardia.


Sozo profile image
Sozo in reply to Ppiman

TY Steve!

J0mic0 profile image
J0mic0 in reply to Ppiman

Bisoprolol reduce ROS which is the product of exercise or burning atp … methylation burns oxygen..the trick is to use

natural sources to clear ROS known as antioxidants .. the king of antioxidants are astaxanthin… but any of the colourful fruits and vegetables do the same ….

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to J0mic0

The mode of action of bisoprolol is complex and in part, still unknown, so far as I can find . Beta-blockers seem to reduce oxidative stress on the heart which seems a Very Good Thing. I do eat lots of fruit and vegetables so, fingers crossed, they are also good for my heart (although, given my worsening arrhythmia problems... maybe not that good!).


J0mic0 profile image
J0mic0 in reply to Ppiman

I hope you can address the root cause…

The problem for most .. is knowing what is causing the remodelling over time.. .. too much calcium?too much sodium?… as we age we build up more deposits of defunct mitochondria too.. old mitochondria are like a overused rechargeable battery .. they charge up and empty so much sooner..so it’s paramount if you cannot exercise to use foods that make urolithin A… which causes mitophagy..this allows new mitochondria to form once the old ones are eaten up… and the best food by far is pomengranate juice or extract…like most god given foods the shape and patterns of fruit and vegetables resemble part of the body..they seem to help.. walnuts -brain.. pomegranate .. red blood cells.. etc etc..well it kinda helps me understand things I find hard to comprehend..

Arrhythmias are often calcium driven and the contender in the opposite corner is magnesium… but like I said before people on PPI’s lower magnesium uptake due to low acid during digestive process… hence the importance of supplementing.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to J0mic0

That all very interesting. Thank you.

But PPIs only affect magnesium absorption in a very few, but when they do, the only way to absorb ingested magnesium is to stop the PPI. For many that would need a mightily tough call so it’s lucky it’s a reasonably unusual side effect. Taking supplements does nothing when PPIs block uptake, sadly. I hope alternative drugs are in development, myself. Unfortunately acid swimming about in the oesophagus is a Very Bad Thing.


JOY2THEWORLD49 profile image


Mine is 60s Day and 47bpm avg at night.

I was diagnosed with rapid and persistent AF H/Rate was ? Metroprolol 186 & pauses at Night changed to Bisoprolol 156Day 47bpm Night no pauses.

What gives the top score Diltiazem 120mg AM.

A CCB Calcium Channel Blocker. The best for me.

Now I take 2.5mg Bisoprolol PM for BP control.

Athletes and I used to be one run at a lower pulse rate.

cherio JOY. 75. (NZ)

Sozo profile image
Sozo in reply to JOY2THEWORLD49

Ty Joy!!

CDreamer profile image

Now, 10 years following ablations and with some other interventions - 65-75 day to day rising to 90-150 on exertion but I try to limit to 120 when exercising. I have a pacemaker which is set to kick in at 60 as my HR dipped at night making me symptomatic.

I stopped getting hung up on numbers as I realised that we are all very different. A grandson (was elite athlete) runs at 40-45 and is perfectly well. What is most important is that you feel well so if you are asymptomatic then I would not worry about that HR if I were in NSR.

PS - not taking any drugs.

Sozo profile image
Sozo in reply to CDreamer

Oh yes athletes pulse do tend to run very low but my concern was my normal before ablation vs post ablation vs much later, a year and a half post ablation. Ty CDreamer for your reply!! :)

J0mic0 profile image
J0mic0 in reply to Sozo

Athletes exercise a lot.. this makes new mitochondria..improves mitochondrial function which increase efficiency of atp so lower heart rate at rest.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Sozo

My point was that we all respond very differently to change of circumstances but as long as you aren’t symptomatic and your HR is within ‘normal’ range that is the most important thing.

Icenae profile image

post ablation mine is fairly steady in the 60's 50 nighttime but if I have a tachy spell its 100 plus but usually goes back down after a few weeks. Can you take some magnesium blend, which might help. I take fullnesium from amazon. And i think it helps

Sozo profile image
Sozo in reply to Icenae

Thank you Icenae! Yes I do take magnesium. :) But I will check out the fullnesium as well. :) :)

J0mic0 profile image

Magnesium Taurate is the best form for heart muscle because taurine is mainly found in the heart…

Please consider your mitochondria…

Why?… because each heart cell has 5000-8000 of them and ATP (energy output ) causes change in pulse rate… higher pulse rates indicate poor energy transfer it’s often over looked by people who go post ablation….

Mitochondria are bacteria that used to live in the sea and recognise algae in food with faster uptake.. result clearer thinking .. more energy .. better sleep etc…improved ROS

Read about mitoflashes and the best antioxidant that clear ROS and feed mitochondria are green or red algae… Spirulina /Chlorella (green) Astaxanthin (red) both are natural sources of magnesium.

Your heart rate should normalise once you improve poor mitochondrial function…your brain will thank you too…

Link to mitoflashes…


Link to a pure form of astaxanthin… search Astapure Amazon.

I apologise for my simplistic answer… I want you to be as well as you can .. all of you.. but it requires a multifaceted approach .. not just a pharmaceutical one… be well .. be happy.

mjames1 profile image

Wrestling pulse

😂. I will correct the typo.

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