I had my ablation last week for a fib which I have been told was a success. I have felt very dizzy with occasional ectopics since but bp has been ok and heart rate between 72 and 78. Then today everything has changed. Lots of ectopics and resting heart rate between 95 and 98. Should I be worried?
What is post ablation normal heart rate - Atrial Fibrillati...
What is post ablation normal heart rate

Very early to start worrying . Raised heart rate post ablation is very common. . I will add our fact sheet on recovery which may help some of your worries but would suggest you speak to your arrhythmia nurse if you think things are wrong.
Thank you Bob. This morning woke to 64 bpm so I think you are right about the variables. Thank God for this site and being able to share with fellow survivors 😊
I wouldn’t worry at this stage as your heart has had to endure a lot during the ablation and will be irritable. Variable and high HR are quite usual during the healing or ‘blanking’ period of approx 12 weeks. Maybe an idea to just take it slow and easy and practice your breathing Long, Slow and Deep using your diaphragm. If you are in least bit concerned or develop symptoms or experience pain don’t hesitate to call your arrythmia clinic/nurse for advice.
hi I’m on week 11 now and the early
Weeks mine had the jitters and up and down thrn settled. I messsaged the forum and everyone calmed me down. It’s good to have a bit of reassurance eh.
Yes it’s true. You feel alone then come on here and feel the love ❤️ and support. Just wonderful knowing your symptoms are the same or similar. Such reassurance
how are you feeling now Sue. Has life gone back to normal for you now? I can’t wait to get to three weeks but will be ecstatic at 11.
Yes it’s all calm I don’t really think about it now as such but I still don’t have much energy. It could however be it’s been boiling hot here and I flounder in heat. I have had problems though with my gullet since the op. It hurt after and I still feel it’s not right. I’m on a 24 he monitor today / tomoz then see cardio so will mention it. If the monitor is good results she will
Stop the flecanade.