I have recently been diagnosed with AF and on Beta blocker and Apixaban .Feel very tired and low mood . I am due fly on holiday in 2 weeks is AF affected by flying .
Flying and AF: I have recently been... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Flying and AF

Many people fly without problems with af and sometimes fly while in afib. Keep well hydrated throughout the flight and while on holiday, move about as much as possible during the flight and avoid stress by allowing plenty of time before your flight. Avoid any triggers you may have to ensure you are best placed for your journey and holiday. Alcohol is a known trigger and dehydration should be avoided. Relax and enjoy your holiday, ensure you have your medication and some spare in case of flight delays.
Please ensure you have let your insurers know you have the condition or your travel insurance would be void if you needed to claim for af treatment while abroad.
Go and enjoy a lovely holiday.
My GP encouraged me to travel and not let AF rule my life and keep me at home. It was good advice and I am glad I followed it as I've had some enjoyable holidays abroad.
I have flown with active AF and it was not a problem and hasn't made me reluctant - quite the opposite.
But then I have quite mild AF and have had it for years.
Have a look a post by Beancounter entitled Update generally.

Thank you

What meds are you on for it as I am only on Apixaban no other as only had two Af dos that I had to go in hospital and they put me on Digoxin 2012 then went back ok after 2 days then in 2016 in hospital again then put on Digoxin and Apixaban blood thinner but went back ok after 5 days then tock me of Digoxin and told me I will be on Apixaban for life so if I get Af it stops me haveing a stroke so just wounderd what med you are on with you only haveing mild Af ho I just had a 5 hour Af other morning but went as fast as it came
I take Rivaroxaban which is similar to Apixaban and as you say helps to prevent a stroke. I'm 71. For blood pressure control I also take Atenolol and Losartan. Nothing else. My AF comes and usually goes all by itself and I'd be pleased if it only lasted five hours as it can drag on for longer. I started having problems 28 years ago but have only had treatment in the last 8 years. AF occurs now and then. I'm peeved when it's only two weeks between one and the next and pleased when I get six weeks clear.

Done it loads of time BUT do stay well hydrated. Lots of water please. Flying dehydrates due to cabin pressurisation process.
I'm flying to Malta to go on a cruise around the Med. Four weeks today and I can't wait. 28 days, 672 hours, 40320 minutes to go (not that I'm counting....)!
I note you say "recently diagnosed". How long have you been on beta blockers? They made me ( and others on this site) very tired. My GP switched me to calcium channel blockers when she realized I could not tolerate at first bisoprolol and then Atenonol. Verpamil was much better and less intrusive for me.
Hi KMRobbo
Thank you for your reply . I did wonder if Bisoprolol is making me feel low and tired although l do not seem to be able to sleep at night. My only concern is that as they seemed to have settled my AF at the moment lm nervous to change meds . I have been taking Bisoprolol and Apixaban for 2 weeks . I was on flecanide before but that did not seem to stop my AF .
Yes that sounds more complicated than my early AF. I took 2 years to "graduate" to flecainide! Maybe there is something else to try if you speak to your GP. If it does not work you can always go back to the bisoprolol if you have time before your hols.
Just a thought:- bisoprolol literally put me to sleep in 40 minutes every time I took 2.5mg. I only lasted a week. My GP then tried Attenonol with me which still was not great but I lasted 5 or so hours before I felt compelled to shut my eyes for an hour or two. So it was less potent for me . It sounds like you are not as bad on the bisoprolol as I was , maybe Attenonol would be better for you? I am not a doctor so I am assuming that the two drugs behave in a similar way for you as me which could be an oversimplification or just plain wrong , but perhaps your GP could confirm.
Hi Alidol,
I’ve been in persistent AF for over 10 Years. Like yourself, I take Beta Blockers for rate control and a blood thinner - warfarin. I fly frequently (every couple of weeks) both within Australia and abroad without any issues. If I could share one thing with you and this is a major regret of mine...is not to allow this pesty condition to rule your life. Fear can be so debilitating and in the early days, I was convinced I was going to die with every little pain in my chest etc. Things will settle as the body is incredibly amazing when it comes to adapting to these sorts of things. Yes, you will have good and bad days , but work hard at having a great time - it certainly helps. 🤗.
Good luck with it all. Jules 💓
Hi Jules
Thank you so much for your positive words. I have been feeling very morbid and low since recently been diagnosed with AF and normally lm a very positive and upbeat person and it is effecting every aspect of my life at the moment so your words of not allowing this pesty condition rule your life really struck a chord and made me stop and think . I am thinking positive and going to enjoy my upcoming holiday abroad 😎
Take care
Alidol 😘
I’ve just been diagnosed too. Taking bisoprolol 2.5mg and feeling breathless, sluggish & in a ‘brain-fog’. A bit overwhelmed with the diagnosis tbh, but like you, find great encouragement in the posts of others who share wisdom on living well with this condition. Enjoy your holiday 🏖