Hi all, As most of you prob know ( as I've written about this 'ad infinitum!") I had my Watchmen Procedure in January (am in the US), all went well, and the medication change process is moving along as planned. I am about to get off my coumadin (next week) and start my 3-4 months of daily Plavix and 1 baby aspirin (81mg) per day. The time limit for these meds will be up in July. It will then be time to stop the Plavix (clopidogrel) and continue on indefinitely with just a baby aspirin/day. I am fine with this but know aspirin is not always a harmless drug. Two days ago I read an article re a UK patient who had the procedure several years ago, completed the 'weaning off meds' process and is continuing to do well. However, the difference between our long-term drug regimen is he does not take any aspirin. After the 4 months he was taken off not only the 2nd anticoagulant but also the aspirin. When I see my doc next week I want to ask if this is possible. The impression I got is that this procedure (officia known as LAAO-Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion) has been done in the UK longer than here and perhaps the docs have learned that indefinite aspirin coverage is not really necessary. Has anyone who's had this procedure also been taken off aspirin? I would like to have documentation that this way of long term treatment post Watchman is effective. Thanks for responding. irina1975 (US).
Long-tern aspirin use after Watchman ... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Long-tern aspirin use after Watchman Procedure.

I'm not sure Irina that we have been doing them longer over here. I suspect that this is more to do with the UKs reluctance to use aspirin , however, it does seem appropriate given that we do use it post stenting or artificial valve installation to prevent platelets clumping on the foreign bodies inside us. No experience of the procedure so personal history not available. Anybody else out there with LAAO device bearing in mind that this is seldom supported by NHS. .
Thanks Bob. I'm interested in finding out more re UK's reluctance about aspirin. OR actually it makes me think the real problem is the US pushing so much aspirin. Bayer is a BIG pharmaceutical company and asplrin is a BIG moneymaker. "Nough said! Take care. irina1975
The problem is that aspirin has little effect on stroke prevention in AF whilst it still has the capacity to cause harm in the form of intestinal bleeding. It therefore seems pointless to take something which is potentially dangerous for little gain. With anticoagulants at least the danger is offset by the benefits of hopefully preventing a devastating stroke. As I said. where foreign bodies such as stents of valves are fitted you need the antiplatelet affect of aspirin to prevent clots building up on those items. My brother in law who has a carbon fibre valve takes both warfarin and aspirin for example.
That's my take in aspirin. This info is SLOWLY beginning to show up here but I would bet the pharma companies try to keep it to a minimum.
Hi Irina, I've just seen this post and as you know I'm due to have my procedure next week. The EP has only advised Clopidogrel the same as you and 75mgs of aspirin for 6mths so hopefully no drugs after that.
See PM.
I'm hoping that with further info things will change here re taking aspirin forever . I think they are being cautious as the procedure doesn't have that much documentation world-wide yet. At least time-wise. It seems reasonable to me that because the Watchman is completely sealed over with our own tissue the need to prevent clots attaching to an exposed foreign body wouldn't apply here. But I'll fight that battle down the road.
Had my Watchman 10 days ago. Went great. I agree with the need to get off all the anticoagulant meds, but they still plan a lifetime of 81mg aspirin for me. I am not sure I will go along with it (AMA I know) as I am also anemic and am losing blood somewhere, they are still working on that. Getting off the Eliquis and similar meds is the main thing for all of us. Question is...does England have any more complications without Aspirin than we have with it. Anyone know?